Mehroo Turel would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 36

Would love to hear from you about my blog on motherhood

Mehroo Turel
Mehroo Turel
from Hong Kong
11 years ago

Hi Indibloggers,  

I am very new here and new to the world of blogging as well. Is it possible for you to spare a few minutes and read some of my posts to let me know your views? 

A quick About me-

This is me...the home maker, the mother, the wife....a long way from the model, the "almost" Ms. India 1994. Somewhere in between MBA happened and then a job at one of India's most reputed business houses. The career woman with an ambition to make it big. Well I did make 'it' big, my belly I mean, not once but twice. Met the perfect man and was blessed with two adorable sons. From Mumbai, India where I was born, we moved to Hong Kong, then to London and then to Hong Kong again. Oh and by the way for my profile photograph I tried hard to find a recent photo that had just me in the picture. After an extended search I gave up! My life is centred around my family, my home, my boys and that is how I like it...LOVE IT! I am 37 ....had I thought I would be doing this when I was 17? NEVER!! But life moves on and priorities change, changed drastically for me. Hope to have you with me in my life's journey as I move

Best Wishes



Replies 1 to 4 of 4
Himanshu Nagpal
Himanshu Nagpal
from Delhi
11 years ago

Hi Mehru,

You have a wonderful blog and lovely posts. Read few of them and each of them revolves around your life which are written wonderfully. And yes, I agree, priorities matter and they do change all the time in everyone's life. After all change is constant ;)


Himanshu Nagpal | Being Traveler

Mehroo Turel
Mehroo Turel
from Hong Kong
11 years ago

HI Himanshu, 

Thanks for stopping by and giving me your encouraging comments. Although we all write for ourselves for our passion, a passing comment, a pat on the back does well in giving us that extra push that we all need. After all we are only humans!

Your blog has a neat layout interposed with nice pictures. Enjoyed going through the anecdotes, they are well written and interesting. Keep blogging!

Shormila Junak

would appreciate a review of my blog:

Diana Pinto
Diana Pinto
from Bangalore
11 years ago

Hi Mehrooo.Smile ...connecting with you after a long time..I'm unable to post comments on your blog. It only permits to post through Google plus accounts...Can that be changed ?