Kajal Banerjee would like you to review his/her blog.
[ http://www.kajalkban.blogspot.com ] IndiRank: 28

Looking for feedback on my blog

Kajal Banerjee
Kajal Banerjee
from Kolkata
11 years ago

The blog is titled writings and has been on your platform for quite some time. I have so far posted eight titles on the blog and some bloggers have already added me to their network. Beside my blog there is no option to promote it nor is there a facebook link. Please look into it and guide me properly to do better.

Replies 1 to 3 of 3
from Pune
11 years ago

Hi Kajal, 

Lets start with your blog;

1. Look and Feel: Generic Blogger template which is quite need. You may leave it here or you can get a little innovative in experimenting with themes. 

2. Content: Good. You write about various topics, language is good. Easy to read. Keep it up. 

3. Social Media; No Interactio what soever. Conside making your blog a little more Social Network friendly ?

4. Frequency: At an average, you are posting less than once a week. Consider increasing your frequency?

5. Photographs: Blogposts with photographs are better eye catchers. Beware of copyright infringement though. 


Overall a good start. Wishing you all the best with your blogging

didnt like the theme... too simple but even simple themes have their own eligance which is missing here..

from hyderabad
11 years ago

A blog is supposed to have a title or a big picture indicating the theme. You have pust just a small picture at the top.

Move the e mail subscription widget to the right. Currently, it looks out of place with that long text box.

Since you have very few gadgets on the right, use a single wide column instead of two thin ones.