Rajesh K would like you to review his/her blog.
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Please review my renewable energy blog.

Rajesh K
Rajesh K
from Chennai
10 years ago

I have a blog focused on renewable energy technologies in India. It's hosted in Blogger and I have applied a custom theme. I request you to review my blog and tell me what kind of topics you'd like to read in this blog. I find it difficult to get ideas for topics! 

Replies 1 to 3 of 3
anuj batham
anuj batham
from lucknow
10 years ago

Nice theme and content seems good Smile

Rajesh K
Rajesh K
from Chennai
10 years ago

Thanks anuj. Any ideas for topics you'd like to read there? 

Nickk Bisht
Nickk Bisht
from Delhi
9 years ago

Very nice , clean and light theme your blog have. 

Can you suggest me theme for my kinda blog.? 

Rajesh K
from Chennai
9 years ago

Thanks, I am looking into your blog now. Will reply in your blog request review thread :)