NIDHI SIHAG would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 36

Would like to have my blog reviewed!

from New Delhi
13 years ago

Personal Blog!

Replies 1 to 5 of 5
Sulagna Dasgupta
Sulagna Dasgupta
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Amazing layout, amazing content. I'd like to make just two points:

1. You're blogging VERY infrequently. A post in January 2011 and the next post in May 2011 is not called blogging. 

2. Your topic is rather heavy for the masses. Which wouldn't matter to you unless you're looking to popularize and eventually monetize your blog, which I think you aren't.

Overall a great blog. Keep writing! 

from New Delhi
13 years ago


Thanks a lot for your time to consider this blog. I really appreciate it.
from Hyderabad
13 years ago

The theme is nice but, IMO, it doesn't suit the content of the blog.

The image (in "The Right to Ego")by itself passes along a message. Its like the blog, or at least the post, belongs to a girl who has something to say from deep within her heart and she is willing to let in all out in that post.

I didn't pay any attention to Sulagna's review before seeing your blog and, now that I have, I think she has pretty much covered anything I want to say. I didn't notice the gaps between posts. It would be hard to get regular readers with random posts once in a few months. The blog needs to be more regular. I have the same problem. I stated my blog last year and didn't log in for nearly 8-10 months.

I think perhaps you should tone down the content though. Your style is probably hard to popularize, and for a perhaps like me, hard to read. What's the point of having a blog if you can't communicate with the reader in their language? 

I received a suggestion from an indiblogger member couple of days ago. She asked me to keep my posts shorter. I can try, but ultimately, I don't see how that can happen. The writing usually comes in a flow and removing something makes me feel as though the post is incomplete.

So, while keeping all suggestions and reviews in mind, don't forget the most important thing- It's your blog, and you should do with it as you see fit (just as most people do with their blogs, including me).

I am sure there are people who would appreciate the content as it is. Maybe you could try and find them or hope that they find you.

Happy blogging!

from New Delhi
13 years ago

Hey thanks for reviewing it...well yes a blog is meant to communicate ...but the real purpose I drew my blog was to ventilate off league issues that I find fascinating...I do want to be read, heard but probably not by corrupting the content. 

Thanks once again...!
from Hyderabad
13 years ago

I know where you are coming from on this. Just write whatever and however you like if that is what you want to do.

At some point, perhaps you will be able to write for others as well and not just yourself.

But it would definitely be great if you could find an audience that loved your writing just as it is.  All the best!

from Bangalore
12 years ago

Dear Nidhi,

Beautiful blog, i really liked it. Very neat and simple and looks professional.

Suggestions -

Bring i also wrote to the top, followed by Subscribe me

Search the blog can be kept below.

Overall a beautiful site.

Best Regards,

Ishita sharma

visit my site -


from New Delhi
12 years ago

Thanks Ishita for giving it a view....I have just added your blog on my network. Informative it could be for my financial planning :)

Thanks once again!

from Bangalore
12 years ago

Thanks Nidhi....

Keep in touch.. and happy blogging

Best Regards,
