As a Blog Owner

from kolkata
15 years ago

lately my blog have been getting some personal attack comment & "hate messages"

As a Blog owner, how do you deal with the situation ? do you just deleted it ? edit it ? or ban the commenter? and what are your responsiblity ?

Replies 1 to 13 of 13 Ascending
from New York
15 years ago

I should say I am a veteran. My old blog was testimony to this.

Anyway, if its a little, fight back but if its a deluge, just ignore/delete. Recently, I had a tough time fighting hate mails. If you wish, you can read it at here

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from Mumbai
15 years ago

Comment moderation is the way to go. I did not have comment moderation earlier on my blog. But after getting 1-2 very nasty and weird comments, I enabled it. Constructive criticism I am ok with, if you have a problem with what I have written and comment on a post, that is still fine. But when people put nasty comments just becoz they enjoy it, that's really sad.

Ulhas Vardhan Golchha
Ulhas Vardhan Golchha
from Kolkata
15 years ago

I accept all the comments whether negative or positive, on my blog. My thinking will not change on anyones comments, yes but once I may think on it.

I think that every indivisual has there own thinking & interpreting style so two different people comments differently.

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from Vadodara
15 years ago

I allow display of every comment on my blog.  All constructive comments (including critics) are displayed. After two or three messages, if I do not agree with the commentor, or I do not see the discussion going anywhere,  I politely agree to "disagree" and end it there.

I have not yet received hate messages or personal attacks. if I were to receive, I would replace it with a note that "it was deleted because of so and so reason ".

Best Wishes,

from kolkata
15 years ago

uhmmm.. nice concept .. any demo of this ?Laughing

by the way any one know any wp plugins where comments are only shown once they confirm from their email so that we know the email is legimate and not just another fake one.

please point me to the link.


from Perth
15 years ago

the best way is the obvious way - spam them!

Healthy Living India
from Bombay
15 years ago

Not very Gandhian of you!! Laughing

~ Prashant.

Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
15 years ago

you throw mud at 'em, some will come back on you

Healthy Living India
from Bombay
15 years ago

But I do see Varun's point. It does get a bit frustrating.

~ Prashant.

from Mumbai
15 years ago

I went through your blog(s) and found them nice. I also think you should ignore these people who post hate messages because they would not have any impact on discerning readers. Keep up the good writing! :)


from Bangalore
15 years ago

Moderate and filter the trash out . Then if it persists , use forums to blacklist the perpetrator and shame them . But always accept comments !!

Healthy Living India
from Bombay
15 years ago

I'm interested in the "blacklist the perp" comment. How do you blacklist a person from your blog. Is this a WP feature or a Blogger feature?!


from kolkata
15 years ago

what about long criticism post with some abusive words ? should i edit only the abusive sentence ?

Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
15 years ago

Ignore dude. Spam em if you receive it continuesly.

from kolkata
15 years ago

Thanks Prashant for the advise , i would dig out that post also to read.Smile

Healthy Living India
Healthy Living India
from Bombay
15 years ago

I had started a disc thread a while ago about anonymous comments, free speech and commernt moderation. Got some good responses so might want to dig it out and go through it.

The gist of that discussion is that you are always going to get prats who are not going to do anything other than troll. On the other hand, comment moderation is censorship and all bloggers are about free speech. Besides, if you activate comment moderation, you sort of give off the impression that you will only publish comments you like.

What we've done on our blog is allow everything, even anonymous comments and we deal with each comment individually. My advice would be delete the offensive comment and then leave a comment on the forum that says why you deleted the previous comment.



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