Looking for Guest Authors for Travel & Photography

from Pune
12 years ago


The first request I want to make is to the Admins: Please delete this topic if you feel it violates the Forum rules. I have been hesitating to start it for long, and if I violate any rules, it will only be because of my ignorance and not deliberation. 

My blog is about the following topics: Travel, Photography, Books and Cinema. It is about 1.5 years old, has a decent traffic, google page rank of 2, alexa rank of  150,600 and overwhelming love of fellow photographers, travellers and visitors. There are 190+ posts in total written by me, friends and fellow Guest Authors. 

To carry forward the idea of sharing , I have now come to Indiblogger to invite fellow travellers and photographers to share a part of their experiences with us. It can be one from teh following categories:

  1. Travelogues
  2. Travel Ideas
  3. Travel Bucket List
  4. Photography Essays
  5. Photography Tips 
  6. Post Production Tips
  7. Book Reviews

The articles can be submitted via email/ Submission link. For first time contributors, please send your name/ nickname, email ID , blog url and a brief intro in 1-2 lines that will go with the posts. 

We have fabulous Travel Writers and Photographers on indiblogger, if you are interested, please let me know. 



Shadows Galore


Edited 11 years ago
Reason: Edited a category
Replies 1 to 20 of 31 Ascending
Madhu Bhardwaj
Madhu Bhardwaj
from NOIDA
11 years ago

Hi Purnendu

I know this is an old thread. Are you still accepting guest posts related to travel and photography? Do see my blog to see if some of the travel pieces are suitable for this purpose.

from Pune
11 years ago

Hi Madhu, 

Yes, am still accepting Guest Posts :)


Shalu Sharma
Shalu Sharma
from Patna, Delhi
11 years ago


Kindly send me more details via email or PM. 

Thank you

from Pune
11 years ago

Hi Shalu, there is not much detail other than what I have already provided in this thread. If you write on one or many of the genres mentioned by me, you can send your post along with a short bio and link to your blog :)

from Ajmer
11 years ago

sure! will get back on this

from Pune
11 years ago

Hi Sapna, 

I went through your blog. You have great pics from Laddakh out there. Wanna share a few memories of Laddakh on my blog ? :)

from Ajmer
11 years ago

Hi purnedu!

loved the idea. a great way to steal a sabbatical. I have done a bit of travel writing. please check out mky photoessays on leh! i have been menaing to do a write up though not yet gotten around to doing that

Anunoy Samanta
Anunoy Samanta
from Bardhaman
11 years ago

hi Purnendu, I was busy for a while (longer than just while) Foot in mouth... now as I've got some liquid time I'm ready to volunteer...


from Pune
11 years ago

There cannot be a better time .. I am suffering from terrible writer's / traveler's / photographer's block :(

Anunoy Samanta
from Bardhaman
11 years ago


so how to give you my travel-Post?

from Pune
11 years ago

I messaged you

from Pune
11 years ago

Nope I cant't :D 

Send you article+photos+a bio of yours with your blog link to me .. will do the rest :)

from Pune
11 years ago

forgot to tell my email : shadowsgalore(at)gmail(dot)com

Anunoy Samanta
from Bardhaman
11 years ago

Don't know why didn't I get your mail.... Undecided

I want yo share with you this post: http://imakemytrip.blogspot.com/2012/09/biking-along-beaches-of-bengal.html

Owing to my slow connection it'll be not so fun for me to attach so many images and mail you, moreover formatting will be a problem in that case, so if you somehow can extract the post from its source it'll be really nice Smile

so now you have my article, photos and blog link... about the bio i'll mail you later.... hope it's not a big deal right?

from Pune
11 years ago

Copying this article verbitamin will make Google baba unhappy :(

Anunoy Samanta
from Bardhaman
11 years ago

no you can copy it and reformat and put in your space in a little different way so as to keep google pleased Tongue out

from Pune
11 years ago

Would like to thank The Fool, Sauvik and Ashwini for their wonderful contributions. :)

from Kolkata
12 years ago

yea.. i have a wp blog myself ... you can create an account for me and indimail me the details... 

from Pune
12 years ago

Sent you an Indimail. Please check and reply. 

from Kolkata
12 years ago

:-) I posted my comment twice *sorry for that* btw i checked your site... do i need create a account in the submission manager you have? and how do I give you the post, along with the photos?

from Pune
12 years ago

If you are comfy with WP, I can create an account for you and you can create the post and save as draft. I disabled self registration due to spam. Otherwise you can just send me the photographs and text by email. 

from Kolkata
12 years ago

Hi Puru, would love to contribute as a guest author(photography section) at ur site... Lovely one you got there. Let me know If I can... 

from Pune
12 years ago

Hi Sauvik. You are most welcome to contribute :)

from Kolkata
12 years ago

Hi Puru... I would love to contribute to your site... I can contribute on the photography section... let me know if I can... 

from Pune
12 years ago

Loads of Guest posts. Thanks everyone for keeping the travelogues running while I am taking a short sabbatical :)

Arvind Passey
Arvind Passey
from Delhi
12 years ago

Do send me the blog url... would like to get an idea of what the blog is all about... 

from Pune
12 years ago

Have tweeted you the url :)

from Pune
12 years ago

Thanks Purnendu :)

from Pune
12 years ago

Sounds interesting!!!! I have written a few travel posts about some popular as well as lesser known destinations in USA. You can take a look at them and let me know if I can qualify.


from Pune
12 years ago

There is no qualification criteria, I am too small to judge anyone's writing.

However, I went through your posts on Niagra falls. Beautiful write ups and amazing photographs! Smile 

from Pune
12 years ago

Ashwini : You post has been published. Great Job ! :)

from Pune
12 years ago

The Fool: Your post has been published Smile

TF Carthick
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Thanks Purnendu

Amruta Marwah
Amruta Marwah
from Eden Prairie
12 years ago

Hi Purnendu,

I haven't written many travle blogs, but would love to try my hand at it. I hope I do justice. Could you please me tell me how I would go about posting on the blog?

Looking forward to hear from you,


from Pune
12 years ago

Hi Amruta, 

Just give it a try, mailing me will be the simplest idea. Or if you are comfy with WP, I may give authors access for you. 

from New York
12 years ago

Do they need to be new - are reposts allowed?

from Pune
12 years ago

New will be better. However reposts allowed. 

Dhiraj Shenoy
Dhiraj Shenoy
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Hey puru , hope we qualify to contribute to our blog .......

from Pune
12 years ago

You are one of the people looking at whose blogs, I have learnt my blogging. Don't embarrass me by asking this Smile

Dhiraj Shenoy
from Bangalore
12 years ago

You are pulling my legs .....  Shortly will mail you the post ..........

Brad Dugg
Brad Dugg
from Hyderabad
12 years ago

Hi Purenendu, I have not done any travelogues but have travelled a lot of India, a good amount of USA and Mexico, and am an avid traveller. What I love in travel is photography, and have taken too many photographs, and few are my personal favorites and photography is my primary passion. I take out my car mostly early mornings just to capture few nice pics within my city too. So just looking forward if I can contribute on anything. Writing, Photography and Travel shall gel togther if I take up this activity and thanks for putting up such a thing. 

from Pune
12 years ago

Hi Brad, thanks for your reply. 

Coming to the question, yes why not? We can have a photo essay or even photoblog or just a single photograph. Anything will do as long as its about travel / photography and is good. Smile

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