How to add new URL

Tina Basu
Tina Basu
from Bangalore
8 years ago
Hello, even if this question sounds lame, please help. I moved my blog from blogger to self hosted wordpress. Now do I add the new domain name in indiblogger as a new blog or can i update the URL for the already listed blogger blog? If I have to add as a new blog I will lose indi rank right?
Replies 1 to 4 of 4 Ascending
Karthik Murali H
Karthik Murali H
from Chennai
8 years ago

Pls dont create threads for every request. as Amit said , u can raise a support ticket and mention your queries there

Amit Pattnaik
Amit Pattnaik
from New Delhi
8 years ago

You will, don't worry Smile It's just a matter of time.

Tina Basu
Tina Basu
from Bangalore
8 years ago

Thank you Amit. Hope to get back my ranks soon enough. 

Amit Pattnaik
Amit Pattnaik
from New Delhi
8 years ago

Hi Tina, Congrats on your new blogSmile. Now to update the blog url on your profile, you will have to contact the IB's tech team here, and raise a ticket sharing your new domain name. They will do the needful. And yes, upon switching to the new domain, you will lose your Indirank, but that's just a temporary thing. Keep writing regularly and keep updating your blog with new posts and submit your new blog url to all the search engines as well: google, bing, yahoo. Submit your posts to Indivine as well, that will give you visitors to your new domain and will help you with the rankings.




 Additionally download the alexa toolbar and install it on the web browser that you use (you can easily find alexa toolbar extension both for google chrome as well as mozilla firefox, depending on which browser you use). Now that your old blog url will get changed to the new domain, so you will lose your Moz Rank as well, as your old backlinks will be lost. But with time, you will be able to build on your Mozrank as well. Usually it takes about a couple of months to get back to the old Indirankings. 

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