Get your head examined ?

Somebody Somewhere
Somebody Somewhere
from Kolkata
14 years ago


As you can tell, i haven't been here long and im already being banished to corner of the classroom; A place i grew to adore in those dreadful school days.

I discovered blogging in early 2004 and ever since, it has been a therapist of sorts to me. I took time out each day to talk about myself and those around me making my several blogs a part of my growth.

This topic aims to explore the role of blogs in becoming a very private; a dear diary type thing that has helped one cope with one's reality becoming (over time) their friend.


" I have found the safest place to keep all our old mistakes, Every dot-com's refreshing for a Journal update "- FOB



Replies 1 to 5 of 5 Descending
Anoop Zombie
Anoop Zombie
from Bangalore
14 years ago

Ha ha .. yes it can be very good tool for therapy!

Pallavi Mittra
Pallavi Mittra
from Kolkata
14 years ago

Hey Rahul!

Good of you to have thought of this.

I am new to blogging,just started off in March.

Even in this span of time my blog has become a voice to those things in me which I have

never been able to explain or express.

 It has become a private nook where I can just open up and empty my mind and soul .

Although these notes to myself are not all that private as a dear diary would have been

yet my blog has become a private space for me as it has extended to me a hope of

connecting to people through the mindless scribbles.


Somebody Somewhere
from Kolkata
14 years ago

Im Reading your blog as i type.

Somebody Somewhere
from Kolkata
14 years ago

You must know that the comment module on your page is out of order. Fix it.

As for what i wanted to write there, " I am glad your having a great Puja, As for me- i was out a while ago buying beer...and Bingo Cream and Onion Chips, a packet of B&H, i rented DVDs and will shortly order Pizza. I will stay this way until Tuesday. "

from Bangalore
14 years ago

I call it as my 'REHAB' program

Somebody Somewhere
from Kolkata
14 years ago

And you've said it better than Amy wHinehouse ever could.

Somebody Somewhere
Somebody Somewhere
from Kolkata
13 years ago

Okay, so i like to rediscuss things. Ain't nothing wrong with tht.

from hyderabad
13 years ago

I too have a similar thing to state. It was my loneliness that made me start blogging. My blog is a personal thing but still hides a lot of things from others.

Somebody Somewhere
from Kolkata
13 years ago

Much love. Blogging has kept me compnay on many a cold nights.

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