Marriage of blogs ??

friends, please throw light on a new idea which germinated for making blogging more juvenile and full of vigor.

match making and marriage of blogs. and sponsored prizes too.

Replies 1 to 20 of 23 Descending

one can divorce too. but not easily.Smile

Mohini Puranik
Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
13 years ago

gr8 idea sirg...........can u explain it more.........i mean marriage should be arrenge or love? and how the dating and all that by the blogs........and divorce provision is gud... 

 i had a feeling if some livelyness is put in to ideas ,like we have in japan, kids arrange marriage ceremony of their dolls ie. gudda n gudia, and even old people participate n enjoy the ceremony knowing its just a game.

so, let people throw in ideas, 

Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
13 years ago

it looks really sweet! my blogs are they are becoming like Sanyasis........:). What to do????? i have mny blogs in my mind........with whom will they marry?????

mohini ji, its a wonderful thing that we put life in to the blog, a long way to go for the blogs and we will see innovative ideas encompassing it. 

from hyderabad
13 years ago

Who is going to find a match if the marriage is going to be arranged marriage? Our gurus or the senior bloggers at Indiblogger?

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Marriage can mean collaboration in a particular field.....let us begin from actual usual review of products or services. Good idea Pramod....patent it.

For example :  I bought A Star and wrote a user review on the actual experience, some may have a different view, for example the performance of the car in terms of comfort, manaeuvrability is not upto the mark. 

Mohan with his collaborative post adds more details such as the engine gets heated up after 200 km drive, milege is just 17 kms, coolant gets evaporated faster.  ABS braking system is hazardous for city driving etc

Thanks umesh Ji , very encouraging words. Please enlighten n give more ideas
Sakhi Shah
Sakhi Shah
from Vadodara
13 years ago

You know this might be interesting. 

But what purpose would it serve? Will it be including two different types of content in one blog (which I never support, it detracts away from followers of both content). If you do it the way Umesh talked about it might be really useful though. 


And are these relationships exclusive? Is there a dating period? Can the compatibility checked in advance? 

it is surely in  a budding stage. all ideas can be gathered and a comprehensive gameplan chalked out.

Mohini Puranik
Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
13 years ago

Idea is getting comprehensive ! It's great! Smile  ! Sirg! What an idea! Kahna padega.

Thanx mohini Ji , more ideas needed to give it shape.
Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
13 years ago

I am thinking, but don't get much on this! But this is really a different way of promotion too!

marriage: both blogs will gain in traffic on a/c. free publicity.

two minds on a constructive blogging path better results.

every where on f.b. twitter etc. there status would show as officially married to so and so.

marraige ceremony, mantras etc.on blog to be presented in unique jazzy manner.

lucky draw prizes  etc. for blogging couple.

all registered blog weds would get unique badge widget to put on their both blogs.

forum where all married n unmarried blogs can look for dating and share ideas on that forum. 

platform owner makes registration free for dating etc. but offical marriage chargeable ,a minimal amount or lucky 5 registeres free daily,to   acquire craze of public. as in turn they prosper by traffic and ads. 

from Mumbai
13 years ago

+1 Idea is viral !

ring ceremony with diamond 5ct. flawless G color worn by queen victoria.

thanks rohan, for all the support and water to germinate the idea.

from Sharjah
13 years ago
this is the best idea ever....we will consummate the same with cyber sex and end up with it. now to ask wife if shes ok with a lil cyber polygamy.. but seriously...u can run with this idea...its very novel...personally i think any blog who marries mine will kill it during the honeymoon

thanks for the support tys, its just an idea, which can give new dimensions to zillions of blog enthusiasts.

all novel additions solicited.

from Sharjah
13 years ago

well, u can have one of those thingy's whatchamacallit that rhymes with a term for very tiny people, uploaded on to ur site almost like a follower thingy...which when clicked will take u to a blog matrimony site, where a blog profile is given stating what type of a blog they would prefer to marry: attractive template, even tempered, etc....and the bloggers can be like the parents...there can be arranged marraige, love marraige and even eloping...we can even have divorce when the blogs dont get along...maybe have a indiblogger court where we can finalize the proceeding ...

this thing is good...i like it

thanks tys, for seconding and clear vision and guidance. I hope something might materialize.

Like face book, I think , marriage book, can be named or any other appropriate name.  

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Pramod dear from collaboration you have changed track LolzCool

I believe you are heading towards formation of dating, matrimony site, Lolz.  Anyways it is for the group to decide which way marriage of blogs is going to head.  If it is dating and mating i am out of it Lolz  Keep me posted on how you want to seriously take it forward......i feel there is opportunity in Tourism industry

umesh ji, collaboration cannot be done in a day. we have to provide platform too. every thing has to be framed in an exquisite manner and then presented. 

Dhiraj Shenoy
from Bangalore
13 years ago

I too agree with Umesh . There is so much oppurnity n tourism industry .

from Sharjah
13 years ago

i dont think marraige of blogs shud be abt collaboration..and better rating etc.,, thats so boring...why cant it be abt blogs finding each other?...their compatibility? a tech blog finding its soulmate in a poetry blog? ... or a ranting raving personal blog finding solance in a food blog? and perhaps cheating with a mommy blog?

u will create an alternate world, pramod...u will be god...blogs shall reach to u for answers that u dont have...i loooove this.

Tys, made my day sirg, really marvelous. I have to begin fast now.
from Bangalore
13 years ago


vyshnavi ji, why laughing, one day I will be laughing. 

from Sharjah
13 years ago

one the first day, pramod created the word...and the word was blog....he said onto the blogs, go forth and multiply....

wow,cthanqs unlimited.

hi Promod,

The marraige world is saturated with problems, and then you want to have more marriage systems-between blogs.

Anyway, carry on. The idea is good but the implementation is going to be tricky, but not impossible.  What is in your head should come out fully, because you have some idea when you started this thread. :)




presanna ji, very very right. in marriage there are many aspects naggings etc. but cyber thing may be able to sooth, relax and be an eyeopener too.

its just budding. lets see what happens.

Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Fictious idea!! lolzzz

Well this will certainly never been deeming of an actual one but it more or less will purely based on Pretending. WE will have a ceremony online where everyone will chant good wishes for the blog.

Lets have a rule book! and you can assume the role of Pandit @Pramod

thanks hemal, atleast pundit gets good amount.Smile

Dhiraj Shenoy
from Bangalore
13 years ago

+ pramod

thanks dheeraj for the support.

hemal , if i want a forum like facebook, designed, how much do i have to pay for server charges and designer cherges and self hosting charges. 

from Sharjah
13 years ago
whats happening on this? I got my eyes set on this wheatish complexioned, medium height, with good format and typeset not to mention a delighful sense of humoured, food blog . my blog wants to ask her blogger for her hand....if you dont act soon, we will settle for a live in relationship
Marry in haste, repent at leisure. Wait for my site boss. Only pleasures abound there. Pure bliss is on the horizon
Though mine was a real hasty one but not repenting
Pundit Commentator
Pundit Commentator
from Delhi
13 years ago

@Pramod Lohia

Your novel suggestion sparked a few ideas.  Are you taking this forward?

Yo, planning a small gareeb site
Pundit Commentator
from Delhi
13 years ago


I fully support this idea. Please keep the few of us in the loop who wish to contribute if you want some feedback!

Go strong! Wonderful initiative.

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Tell me Pramod how far your marriage of blogs has reached, i believe exchanging links of blogs in the subject category would be gr8 way to marinate our own blogs, for example other day i had a request from Madhu Nair, to permit me to link my darasuram blog to her blog 10yearitch, which i happily agreed with a rider though, i feel such collaborative work would go a long way. anyways good luck

Thanks umeshji , it's moved up one stage, I registered a domain. Now hosting is to be set. I plan a small initiative first. Flu has put my energy level Down. I hope something soon
from Mumbai
13 years ago
Get well soon Pramodji:) Missed your presence here and on the blogging front as well...
Thanks Arti Ji for nice wishes. Recovery path is a little slow,& weakens the mind energy. I hope to be fully rejuvenated in a weeks time.
Pundit Commentator
Pundit Commentator
from Delhi
13 years ago


Take your time, get well and launch the project properly. Don't let us bug you. It's just such a good idea we can't help it!

from Sharjah
13 years ago

there shud be an option for the 7 years itch

Pundit Commentator
from Delhi
13 years ago



from hyderabad
13 years ago

Here are some of my suggestions:

We, the indibloggers can establish a marriage bureau just like bharat matrimony.

Each blogger can marry only one other blogger. We are living in India and polgamy or polyandry isn't accepted.

The two bloggers hsould support each others blogs by promoting the other.

There should be no scope for divorce.

There should be an annual contest to announce the best blogging couples of the year.

How is that?


Pundit Commentator
from Delhi
13 years ago

Thumbs down on "We are living in India and polygamy or polyandry isn't accepted."

Thumbs down on "There should be no scope for divorce."


any fresh ideas

Shesha Chaturvedi
from Delhi
11 years ago

wow! Look at Ranjith's comment! Where will be the marriage certificates? You should invite the blogs who are ready to marry!  what will be the role of couple blogs for each other?

TF Carthick
from Bangalore
11 years ago

@Shesha - They will vote for each other in Blog-a-ton

but fool, if the male blog fancies another female blog, and votes for that then ¿

Nice ...and how will the selection of bride and bridegroom happen ? any kids Tongue out?.... though it might sound a bit funny ,looking into the context of words used here,there should some sort of linkage that approves the work marriage 

A brief intro on what is expected and what is to give  would be useful .


thanks Uma ji, nice point there, kid blogs can happen, they can raise them. brief intro :blogger enlists his blog for marriage, at a place. he can come up with chosen blog at that place and both can register for marriage. upon consent both blogs are united and married and both carry both blogs to a new level, seeing what deficiency is there in that blog. two minds working with devotion on both blogs. They can write posts on each others wall etc. etc.

their status will be shown as married blog, at main site. that site would have their consolidated one married blog status one pic. like facebook operations, and all married blogs interact with all other such married bloggers that are listed there. like people interact on facebook, they interact there. giving status updates and all. more inputs welcome.  

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