What do you look for in a poem ?

from Mumbai
13 years ago

Hey, being a writer and an amatuer poet, i would like to know the views and tastes of my fellow bloggers on the subject. What appeals to us in a poem ? What genres do we like ? Does metre matter in the poem, or do we prefer free flowing verse ? Do we like subjective or objective poetry (read as feeling-oriented or description-oriented resp) ? Is prose more popular or poetry more soul-touching ?

Replies 1 to 9 of 9 Ascending
from Mumbai
13 years ago

i feel poetry that emerges from the soul conveys directly to the hearts of others.All other things can follow, but a poem needs to be tempered in the emotions of of the heart and emerge from creativtiy, it will readily strike a chord with the listener!

Bilna Sandeep
Bilna Sandeep
from Abu Dhabi
13 years ago

I like all kinds of poems!! some of them very well touch our soul!! i love to read poems than prose!! some of the poems are so much deep that everytime we read it we find a new meaning revealed!! that is what i call the beauty of a poem!! its should have so much inner meanings too so that everytime you read you get a new concept hidden behind!! it shouldnt talk all direct!! then there is no thrill!! you read more you find more in it!! somethin of that sort!! 

another kind is the simple poems!! which would be easy to understand!! beautiful to read!! and that would easily convey the concept..still i like the first set more!! though i have never been able to write one of that kind! sigh!! someday i would write something of that sort!! hopefully  Laughing

from Mumbai
13 years ago

@ ahimaz thanks for the info.i thought post-modern was about metafiction and surrealism, i will check this out.

Ahimaaz Rajesh
from India
13 years ago

It's really all that and more. It's not exclusive to postmodern I'd like to believe. The title I had in mind when saying poetry and prose in one is Zero Degree (author: Charu Nivedita). Caveat: It's transgressive to the core.

Ahimaaz Rajesh
from India
12 years ago

Here's a link to Prakalpana World that might be of interest.

from Mumbai
13 years ago

I like poems that, in a simplistic way, convey the intended thoughts and connect with my heart and bring out a spontaneous reaction from me after reading it!

Say Cheese
from Chandigarh
13 years ago


from Mumbai
13 years ago

so we go for simple spontaneousness.however the thing about dictionaries is largely relative.a native speaker for example, might be comfortable with a level which might be way out of a speaker who has recieved mere instruction.Cultural idioms matter too, certain phrases in english dont make sense to us because they belong to a different cultural context.Audience matters then, point taken!

from Mumbai
13 years ago
@Nishkam Yup poems written in other languages can be difficult to guage...
from Bangalore
13 years ago

@Arti:  +1

from Mumbai
13 years ago


naked honesty is good but not all people appreciate or accept it.nakedness is offensive to many people.


Pundit Commentator
Pundit Commentator
from Delhi
13 years ago

Naked honesty is always good in artistic expression.

from hyderabad
13 years ago

I like reading poems that do not force us to refer to a dictionary and those poems that makes us relaxed , something related to life.

from Mumbai
13 years ago

but they seriously make writing good poetry hard because the restrict word-choices ! unless one is Wordsworth, it is generally good to start with free , unbound verse.

Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Nishkam you can use the Reply button below everyone's Pic on the left to reply.

Yep, I am inspired by Wordsworth and Daffodils is one poem that I can still recite even though i learnt it in school way back in '95. I am no where near to what he was, not even considered to be compared to him. But for me, poems mean a bunch of rhyming sentenses with tons of meaning in it

Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Well influenced by your comments on my blog, I started thinking away from Rhymes, but rhyming words have always attracted me..


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