Support for Dove Real Beauty Contest

from hyderabad
13 years ago

A new contest on IndiBlogger: What does real beauty mean to you

How many people do you think will be participating in this? The turnout for the previous Contest 'Crusade against chlorine' was low. Was it beacuse of the lower value of the prizes compared to teh previous contests?

In this contest, why are the facebook likes taken into consideration rather than IndiVine haerts? Any idea?

Edited 13 years ago
Reason: title change
21-40 41-52
Replies 1 to 20 of 52 Descending
Karthik DR
Karthik DR
from New Delhi
13 years ago

This is a nice topic.. Would love to hear more discussion on this...

from hyderabad
13 years ago

Sure Karthik

Vineet Rajan
Vineet Rajan
from Mumbai
13 years ago

@Ranjith: Contests are a platform for bloggers to bring the best in them. This particular contest the conscious step has been to bring forward the ones which write the best content. The facebook likes also will ensure than non-Indibloggers and your blog readers will have a larger say. Hence its also called the People's Choice! 

from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ Vineet rather than saying people's choice, is is better to call it as 'THE FAVOUR TO THE RHETORIC' who can make people like his post on facebook (whether or not people read it)

I didn't participate in the previous contest because I was least interested to write about chlorine being harmful in swimming pools and all such stuff. It doesn't mean that the topic is stupid or uninteresting. It is just that I didn't feel like researching and writing about such stuff as water contamination. Anyway, maybe i will participate in this contest. But i wish the deadline is postponed. 22nd May is too early.

Karthik DR
from New Delhi
13 years ago

@Xeno -  The contest was not about chlorine in swimming pools. Its effects of chlorine in drinking water bedause most of the water purifiers we get in India treat water with chlorine which is cancerous. At the end of the day contests really encourages a lot of bloggers to research and write about what they love. Lets see what bloggers say about real beauty this time!

Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
13 years ago

@Kartik should it be "carcinogen" and not cancerous??

Yeah. I didn't bother to read through. sorry.

Hemal you're right.

from Bangalore
13 years ago

Hey Xeno, nt to contradict or anythin..:) but I feel its whn u write bout stuff u hv no clue bout whn ur real mettle comes out... i really liked this contest cos i knew nuthin bout chlorine before n I hd this huge thing in me to nt cum out wid sumthin too preachy.. n I think like wht i came out wid...:)  I kinda think we need few contests like these, every nw n thn, to take our writing beyond our comfort zones .. just a personal thought only..but whaddaya think? :)

Well yes you're right. It is true. But I somewhat don't want to put things on my blog which are out of my comfort zone, and as a consequence, will be horrible for my readers. So...

Karthik DR
Karthik DR
from New Delhi
13 years ago

@Hemal - True... Cancinogen is the right term. In layman terms people say cancerous.

Vineet Rajan
Vineet Rajan
from Mumbai
13 years ago

@Ranjith : Which is why there are 15 prizes for the content only (where votes and FB likes have no say) . The likes need to happen here on IndiBlogger and not on the post on his/her profile. 

from hyderabad
13 years ago

One thing that I liked about this contest is the increase in the number of winners from the usual 3 or 4 to 15. More bloggers can be encouraged in that way. The amount of money does not matter as long as they are termed a winner.

Vineet Rajan
Vineet Rajan
from Mumbai
13 years ago

@Ranjith: Hope that gets you kicking with your post! Good luck! :) 

Shantinath Chaudhary
Shantinath Chaudhary
from Hyderabad
13 years ago

Heyy all,

I tried to find out but couldn't find any official announcement by either Yahoo or Dove, that they are sposoring this contest and going to give those cash prizes-(not even on that linked Yahoo site). Is it legit?? Where can we read some official word by Yahoo or Dove regarding this contest???

Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
13 years ago

@Shantinath, the contest is run by IndiBlogger and is only for IndiBlogger members, and hence you wont find this infiormation outside IndiBlogger.

And it is, of course, very much Legitimate. Its not those one off schemes of milking money. Check out the IndiDrive page here and you will find many contests and winners alike. I had won a complimentary prize for participating in Brandmile contest too..

So dont worry, let your mental juices in the post and submit it on the page.

from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ Hemal That a good answer. One would naturally keep doubting on every contests and money making oportunity in these days.

@Shantinath Welcome to IndiBlogger

Have  a good time

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Hi Shantinath, Welcome to Indiblogger:) You will surely get the promised prize, I got mine in the Cleartrip My Purpose Contest... Dont worry:)
Shantinath Chaudhary
Shantinath Chaudhary
from Hyderabad
13 years ago

@Hemal: Thanks for confirming it :)

Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Welcome dude!

Vineet Rajan
from Mumbai
13 years ago
Hi everyone , just got a confirmation. There are no restrictions on language or sex. Contest is open for all. Zimbu the monkey from Dilbert may be a strong competitor though ! One more reminder , this contest votes don't matter , content does.
Bhaalo, aami bangla te likhte paarbo.
Vineet Rajan
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Blogger contests need to be publicised with with right audience hence on IndiBlogger. They however publicise the same on their social networks on FB, Twitter as news matter only. Participlation and management is done on 

from Delhi
13 years ago

are entries in hindi allowed?

Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
13 years ago

@Gaurav I think yes, there is nothing mentioned like only English are allowed..

Vineet Rajan
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Yes, all languages are allowed

Shantinath Chaudhary
Shantinath Chaudhary
from Hyderabad
13 years ago

@Arti: Thanks for confirming. I will try my best :)


@Ranjith: Thanks :)

Vineet Rajan
Vineet Rajan
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Pramod! LOL! Looks like you don't have to now! :) 

Right bro, but the ladies will be having an upper hand as topic revolves around them. We can just gape in awe at beauty.Till now I have been able to write one word only. - Beauty, now I am stuck gaping at the word, where to take it to.
from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ Pramod, beauty doesn not necessarily mean the beatuty that we can see. It may also mean the beauty of the heart and compassion. Isn't it? Hope that 3 zeroes can get added at the end of your one word.

thanks ranjith for gr8 wishes

Vineet Rajan
Vineet Rajan
from Mumbai
13 years ago

LOL! I am wondering why you are stuck! What does real beauty mean to you? Its as simple as they get! Write it from a man's perspective. 

Thanks vineet, For the tip. I got the point, but the yahoo real beauty site caters to ladies only.
Vineet Rajan
Vineet Rajan
from Mumbai
13 years ago

To everyone,

About the facebook likes that are into consideration. The likes that are considered for the contest are the ones you get on the post on IndiVine and not the ones on your blog. This is mainly because not all blogs have a facebook like on their blog post.

If there are any doubts, please post them here, we will have them resolved from here.   For additional doubts and clarifications please feel call me, or IndiPolice. I can also be reached on twitter @vineetrajan .

Number: 9987559693

great vineet, no. bhi de diya, beauties ko.bhai.Smile

Vinesh Balan
from Bangalore
13 years ago

The Facebook Likes system was indeed interesting and I thought I'l give a shot at it with my Friends at Fb. But I was dumbstruck to see this particular vine - 1222 Likes from Facebook! Come on! That's too huge! Ive dropped even trying to compete after seeing that :(

Vineet Rajan
Vineet Rajan
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Hi Ranjith, Should we rename this thread to Support for Dove Real Beauty Contest?

please change the topic too boss, I am still bewildered

from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ Vineet Rajan and @ Pramod Lohia

Changed the title

Anu Mantra
Anu Mantra
from New Delhi
13 years ago

The topic is abstract so demands some imagination also along with the theory, so it will be a great oppurtunity for bloggers to write some original ideas.Even though promoted by Dove, I don't think the purpose is to write about pulchritude of women but it can be anything you can think of. Variety and diversity will be abondon.

Just a personal opinion. Cool

Vineet Rajan
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Yes! Let imaginations run wild! :) 

Anu Mantra
Anu Mantra
from New Delhi
13 years ago

Sorry about the typo... *abundance


any dhaansoo tip for me , my post has just one word till now -beauty, and my imagination has failed me this time.

Anu Mantra
Anu Mantra
from New Delhi
13 years ago

Look at the nature or a child...You'll get your imagination running in no time... Innocent

Or better still...A sip of Coffee and you alone... Smile It works for me many times might as well work for you...

thanks anu ji, for the tips, the child factor is good, and I have my post moving. cheers, five lines in a row .  

from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ Pramod One word has turned into five lines. Great improvement.  Smile

Poorvi Shrivastav
Poorvi Shrivastav
from Hyderabad
13 years ago

Just entered mine .. there are a plethora of thoughts bloggers have written , so nice to see them :)

Vineet Rajan
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Saw! All the best, and reminding once again, don't bother about the votes! :) 

from hyderabad
13 years ago

All the best Poorvi

Poorvi Shrivastav
from Hyderabad
13 years ago

Thanks Ranjit ..

Anu Mantra
Anu Mantra
from New Delhi
13 years ago

Your welcome pramod ji...Five lines in a row is a good start...Smile

I have posted my take on beauties, and only real real beauties will take pains check out my blog to savor the treat. Those unlucky ones whom I am unable to reach, may they reach me.
Forgot to mention, click the Facebook like or unlike button too, without any hesitation. O real beauty of the indies. I wish to thank here ranjith, vineet, and Anu Ji . For the beautiful tips and inspiration. Cheers.
from hyderabad
13 years ago

@ Pramod You're welcome

thanks ranjith

Somebody Somewhere
Somebody Somewhere
from Kolkata
13 years ago

I've done my part, i suppose.

Anu Mantra
from New Delhi
13 years ago

What have you done... Laughing

from hyderabad
13 years ago

All the best SS

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