IndiRank Upgrade - suggestions please!

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
14 years ago

Now that we're done making a few small upgrades to IndiVine and the Forum, it's time to look at IndiRank. Addy, you just may be able to crack all the jokes you want this month! Smile

We're looking for suggestions/feedback/critique here - anything goes. A few questions to get the ball rolling:

  1. Should we make our algorithm public or would that promote gaming?
  2. Are there any other influential factors we can include, aside from PageRank, Alexa, Frequency, etc.?
  3. What information would you like to see as part of your IndiStats?
  4. Should we increase the frequency of updates, or would that diminish the value of IndiRank updates?
  5. The stats are available only to those who are logged in. Would you like an export option / widget so that you can share it with your readers?
Edited 13 years ago
Reason: Typo!
Replies 1 to 20 of 69 Ascending
Vijay Prabhu
Vijay Prabhu
from Mumbai
10 years ago

AV I know that one googled DP myself too that day.  But you added any other host here so I undrstood itSmile

from Jabalpur
10 years ago

@VP : Hmm..

@R: This is why u should not throw banana skins here and there Laughing

from hyderabad
10 years ago

What is DP? Innocent

Googling took me to that InternetSlang website where we have to spend at least one minute searching for the answer on those pages. The page didn't say that DP = display but had a statement 'Some other terms related to Display' Innocent

Vijay Prabhu
from Mumbai
10 years ago

DP = Display Profile

from hyderabad
10 years ago


I always feel lost when I see short forms. Sealed

from hyderabad
10 years ago

This is why u should not throw banana skins here and there 

Banana Skins? Idiom? Innocent

from hyderabad
10 years ago

@ Rio How did you find this three year old thread? Tongue out

Vijay Prabhu
from Mumbai
10 years ago

@Ranjith how did you forget Hunky on indlexaInnocent

from hyderabad
10 years ago

I thought that Hunky went into a deep sleep ( for 6 months ) and so will not complain about his name not being added. Tongue out


We will add everyone ( those who are active on forum / IndiTalk ) in our new website. Laughing

Vijay Prabhu
from Mumbai
10 years ago

ok thought so too, always seen him yawningSmile

Vijay Prabhu
from Mumbai
10 years ago

Ranjith need two helps from you, for one I will send u mail the other is how to post jpg in this forum like you do or Poonam did other day.  I tried to take a screenshot and paste it but it wouldnt show upCry

from Jabalpur
10 years ago

@VP: (1) upload the image at GD or DP or any other hosting service.

(2) go to edit html and add:


from hyderabad
10 years ago

To insert an image, Right click on that image > Copy Image. After that, press CTRL+V in this box. 

( Note : Only images which are already there on internet can be inserted here )

So, if you want to insert a screenshot, first upload that screenshot : on picasa, flickr or some other place and insert that image here )

Quite simple! Cool

from Jabalpur
10 years ago

u can also give width,height a miss.

Sherna Jayaraman
Sherna Jayaraman
from Hyderabad
10 years ago
  1. Should we make our algorithm public or would that promote gaming? NOPE, No way. That spoils the mystery
  2. Are there any other influential factors we can include, aside from PageRank, Alexa, Frequency, etc.? Google Pagerank
  3. What information would you like to see as part of your IndiStats? Ratio of comments,geography of clicks,spam sites hogging the limelight i.e. Show sites which might be creating hits so that the blogger can do something about it
  4. Should we increase the frequency of updates, or would that diminish the value of IndiRank updates? It could be changed to bi-monthly. Some blogs don't have per month activities
  5. The stats are available only to those who are logged in. Would you like an export option / widget so that you can share it with your readers? Sounds great, a cute mini widget like the indirank one, not much detailed as not much readers might quite nose-dive into the info. mostly only other bloggers from blogosphere might have a look in it.
from hyderabad
10 years ago

Google PageRank was considered in the past but recently, it was substituted with MozRank.

Ratio of comments,geography of clicks : Gathering those stats is difficult!

I think ranking should be categories.. There should be over all ranking and ranking within a category as comparing rank of a tech blog with a poet's blog is no match but in case of its own category, writers and poets can compete.. Same goes for tech bloggers of blogging bloggers also Tongue out

Secondly, method should not be made public as that will kill the fun of working hard for all the factors rather than only factors we know effecting ranking Foot in mouth

Now that indilexa is getting popular, its rank can be added to grade system at indi.
What say friends
from hyderabad
10 years ago

Animesh was saying that we can consider IndiRank along with other things while giving IL Rank. And now, you are suggesting that IL should be used while giving IndiRank. That would result in an infinite loop! :))

What Ho!
What Ho!
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Caveat Emptor: I am less than 24 hours old on Indiblog. All comments emanating from this direction should be treated with the right balance of caution and acuity.

Having said the above, it is not that complicated, "it" being how Indirank should be calculated. Some thoughts below- There are three parties impacted by Indirank - 1. The blogger - Some folks on here seem to equate Indirank with their savings account. Even to those without self esteem issues, Indirank is a useful indicator of a blogger's "standing" in the Indiblogger community. "The better the rank, the better must be your contribution" is debatable, but for lack of other metrics, let's agree that a good ranking is generally desired by a blogger 2. The blog reader - Assuming the blogger chooses to 'advertise' her Indirank outside the confines of Indiblogger, the readers from the big, bad world out there have some way of telling that they are viewing a quality product (something that has gone through the wringer somewhere else, assuming it truly has) 3. Indiblogger -If the Indiblogger team is doing this for purely altruistic reasons, then we can leave this one out. But we all know that there is no such thing as a free lunch (or a free breakfast or chai). Hence I think we can safely assume that Indirank is the carrot that Indiblogger team would like to use to promote certain types of behavior on the community. Note: There seem to be no parties registered on Indiblogger in the category of "pure reader". One needs to register a blog to join the community. So, I think it is reasonable to assume that each Indiblogger is a blogger first and then a reader. There is a reason I bring this up - which is that - popularity of a post among fellow bloggers does not always mirror popularity among those out there (in the aforementioned big bad world) who are pure readers and love to read for the sake of reading. It is often said that writers make poor readers. Coming to the questions asked by Renie -

Apologies that this response has turned out much too longer than I expected. So I went ahead and created a full post on my blog at

please do read it in entirety before commenting. Folks, this is not some devious attempt to get you guys to visit my blog (which you will have to, to read the rest of it). I have shared thoughts in the post, and hope this will spark some more discussion around this. cheers!

ps: if junta believes that providing a link to my blog is not on the straight and narrow, happy to take this down and post the entire 800+ word article on here.


Manas Khatri
Manas Khatri
from Faizabad
12 years ago

ya.. i would appreciate all..

Vidhya Iyer
Vidhya Iyer
from Chennai
12 years ago

I'm new and possibly not qualified to comment on this, but I don't think we should make the algorithm public.

from hyderabad
12 years ago

Making the algorithm public would make IndiRank an another Google.

Just submitting something which i said in another forum topic.

Then again I was thinking... what if .. we could do something like this.

Let there be the indirank with whatever system it works on...

Make an IndiFlu [Influence] or IndiPower or IndiCeleb Status which will be somewhat like Technorati authority.. but except that it will depend on the no. of times his posts are voted on IndiVine. Here is a rough example. Person Z has submitted 100 posts on Indivine and has got a total of 200 votes. So his authority is (200/100). If Person X (sounds like me) submits 500 posts on Indivine and gets 50 votes in total his authority is (50/500). [Yeah that does sound like me].

Higher authority... the better.

Rachit Sharma
Rachit Sharma
from New Delhi
13 years ago


1. I think more emphasis should be given to quality and length of posts other than the frequency.

2. Also, brought in the feature of grades for equal rank holders.

3. And there is no need to disclose your mechanism, I have full-faith in Indi team.


from Mumbai
13 years ago
Are you sure the length of post matters?? And loved the second point!!
umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Indiranks should be upgraded once two to three months max Cool

from Mumbai
13 years ago
It already comes out late than the date provided!!
Ram A Singh
Ram A Singh
from Silvassa
13 years ago

futher if u can improve please improve the forum platform. it is pakau.

Ram A Singh
Ram A Singh
from Silvassa
13 years ago

Let every thing as it is. just only prevent there are people who voting one another post without reading that is only to get receprocal vote from counterpart.

from Baudland
13 years ago

must change the IndiRank, as many have suggested, to IndiScore.

Also, wouldn't want the system to be gamed by members. We trust you enough to be satisfied with the fact that you are satisfied with the alogorithm - no need to make it public

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Indiscore, that is a good suggestion.
Rama Mohan Akundi
Rama Mohan Akundi
from Hyderabad
13 years ago

Thank you very much!!! my IndiBlog Rank is 79. I will keep this and improve blogging.

rocksea & sarah
rocksea & sarah
from Pune
13 years ago

same for me, i have a google-pagerank of 4, but the indirank stats says 0.

V Waghmare
V Waghmare
from mumbai
13 years ago

Hi Renie Ravin , thanks for your post , i will like to poin to you that there is some thing wrong my blog has page rank 2 and it is reported in stats as zero , and may be becaz pf which my indirank droped from 75 to 63 , the rank 63 was in begining when i just stared blogging , please look in to this , i mean , the same should not affect others rank too , then it will not be correct in totality .

Anuradha Khanna
Anuradha Khanna
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Also, I have been wondering since long - why do the latest comments appear towards the end of all comments. The comment just after the topic description is the one posted arnd 7-8 months ago...

Anuradha Khanna
Anuradha Khanna
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Hey it often happens that I keep adding new posts to my blogs but forget to submit links at indivine. Maybe you can email reminders to bhulakkads like me. Something like "Have you shared your latest post this week?"


Nidhi Kush
Nidhi Kush
from Bangalore
13 years ago

I too agree with some of the Indibloggers here, that IndiRank sometimes is a when I got the rank 43, I thought I was quite at the top :) But then later realized that its the other way round. I think IndiScore or any other apt name should be better and more clear to the readers and bloggers. 

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