Why Kolkata has got no indibloggers' meet for years

Datta Ghosh
Datta Ghosh
from Kolkata, Gurgaon
10 years ago

Kolkata, the land of writers, thinkers and adda baaz (informal meetings ) so dismal to see that Kolkata has got no indibloggers' meet in years, what are we doing?

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Amartya Talukdar
Amartya Talukdar
from Kolkata
10 years ago

any body with idea for kolkata meet can call me at 9432406339 after 8 pm

Partha Sadhukhan
Partha Sadhukhan
from Bangalore
10 years ago

Not sure when is this meet being planned. If it is in the week of 14th July, I will be able to attend as I will in Kolkata that time..

Partha Sadhukhan
Partha Sadhukhan
from Bangalore
10 years ago

Hi Datta, if you please organize this on 12th or 13th July or 19th July that will be great. I know many bloggers who will be able to attend the same. Amartya as discussed get arrange for fund raising and appropriate venue.

Datta Ghosh
from Kolkata, Gurgaon
10 years ago

Will try though not sure it will be a Sunday we are looking for a June last Sunday date but yes then other dates can be considered

Datta Ghosh
Datta Ghosh
from Kolkata, Gurgaon
9 years ago

hey 29.06.14 2 pm to 6 pm its all set, finally a blogger's meet in Kolkata just need the approval keeping fingers crossed


no one said anything to me about any meet..

so did the meet happened ??

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