Any Bibliophile here?

Brown Potato
Brown Potato
from Pune
8 years ago
Hi!! I am new to this site. I am an occasional blogger and consider myself to be an avid reader. Like most bookworms, i love starting my day online with GoodReads. I generally blog about the books that i read and like. Also i like blogging about movies with niche plots like food, literary classics etc. I am currently reading: Theodore Boone - Abduction by John Grisham Brutal by Uday Satpathy Dracula by Bram Stoker Francis Samagra (Bangla) by Anil Bhowmik Which books are you reading? And do you blog about books?
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Brown Potato
Brown Potato
from Pune
8 years ago
Hello Nitin, You must have met one of my family members - crazypotato, boiledpotato,couch potato... We potatoes are much into blogging
Arpita Dash
Arpita Dash
from Bhubaneswar
8 years ago


I'm also a bookworm. I love to read and give my reviews also. My last read was "Wrong means Right end" by Varsha Dixit, currently I'm in a break for four days... :D Then I'll continue my reading. welcome to IB... :)

Brown Potato
from Pune
8 years ago
Hi Arpita, Thanks for the warm welcome. I have finished the first two of John Grisham's Theo Boone series that he wrote for kids/young adults. I had borrowed the books from my cousins.. The books miss the charm if you ask me. but I guess kids would love it.
from Edison
8 years ago

I like to read too.....Book reviews is something I am considering, after having reviewed a few books lately. Recently read Book Thief by Marcus Zusak, A Thousand Spledid Suns by Khaled Hosseini . Currently hooked to Reading Lolita in Tehran by Azar Nafisi. I too like Haimanti find more enjoyment holding the book and flipping through the pages. Ebooks come only when there is no other alternative. Welcome to IB. Hope you find like-minded people here.

Brown Potato
from Pune
8 years ago
Hi sunaina! Thanks for the warm welcome.I agree that nothing feels better than holding a real book... But to be honest I have grown to love my kindle as an irreplaceable gadget while I am on the move.
Sweta Biswal
Sweta Biswal
from Bengaluru
8 years ago

Count me in. I finish atleast 4-5 books every month. I do book reviews occasionaly when I feel like it. Finished The Wind-Up Bird Chronicles last week and halfway thru Norwegian Wood by Murakami. Also, reading The Rise of Kali by Anand NeelaKantan on the side.

8 years ago

I am reading John Steinbeck's OF MICE AND MEN , right now. But I do not prefer to read ebooks. Physical books are th eone for me. 

MOD MESSAGE: shame shame shame! No SSP is allowed and not reading the rules is a poor excuse. Please be considerate the next time!

from Pune
8 years ago

Hi brown potato (you are the third potato i've met since i started blogging :P )

I'm an avid reader too. Though I don't post about books. I finished The wind-up chornicle bird and Hear the wind sings (By Haruki Murkami) recently. And have started reading 'A storm of swords' now. :)

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