The Reliance Digital Experience (Mumbai)

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
11 years ago

We have something new on IndiStuff - where you go to the stuff, instead of the stuff going to you. Laughing

Let us know if you have any questions!

Replies 241 to 260 of 288 Descending
from Mumbai
10 years ago

I am also waiting for the courier guy to come and deliver the shuffle and goodie bag..Once I get it I will update it up over here....

Sahil Majethia
Sahil Majethia
from Mumbai
10 years ago
Congrats to all the winners I am waiting for the ipod and goodie bag can't wait more....
Heena Dhedhi
Heena Dhedhi
from Mumbai
10 years ago

Do the winners get an ipod and goodie bag too?

from hyderabad
10 years ago

I think yes. They ( You Laughing ) SHOULD.

from Raleigh
10 years ago

Yes Heena Dhedhi

Sahil Majethia
Sahil Majethia
from Mumbai
10 years ago

Still waiting :(


Neha Sharma
Neha Sharma
from Mumbai
10 years ago

When will our ipods be sent?

Sherna Jayaraman
from Hyderabad
10 years ago

most ipods/goodies have been sent!!Me waiting for mine too ^_^ !!

Nandini Deka
from Bombay
10 years ago

snuffles...i think those who got, actually went and collected them..and not courier sent yet

from hyderabad
10 years ago

Not I want to read their experience of collecting the ipods. Tongue out

from hyderabad
10 years ago

Not --> Now

Simply Bogus
Simply Bogus
from Bogus island
10 years ago

May I get an iPod too? Cool

from hyderabad
10 years ago

No Tongue out

Simply Bogus
Simply Bogus
from Bogus island
10 years ago

Why? Is it only for old members? Cry

from Mumbai
10 years ago

It was a contest which is already closed.

Heena Dhedhi
Heena Dhedhi
from Mumbai
10 years ago

Want the winner badge.... any idea where to get it from? 

from hyderabad
10 years ago

You will get a mail with the code for that badge. You will have to wait for it. Wink

Simply Bogus
Simply Bogus
from Bogus island
10 years ago

My bad luck Animesh Cry

from hyderabad
10 years ago

You are visiting every contest thread and crying that it is closed! Tongue out

Nandini Deka
from Bombay
10 years ago

i noticed that too Undecided

Sahil Majethia
Sahil Majethia
from Mumbai
10 years ago

Is the ipod sent or we can collect it this saturday

from Mumbai
10 years ago

I think they are going to send it soon as courier shouldn't take so much time...

from Thane
10 years ago

The wait for iPod and goodie bag seems unending! :( please send them soon! 

Karan Makharia
Karan Makharia
from Mumbai
10 years ago

Got my ipod and the goodie. phew..... its good that i went and collected last saturday. u know what guys. its awesome!!

from Thane
10 years ago

The elusive goodie bag intrigues me! I find myself wondering, what could it possibly have! Laughing

Nandini Deka
from Bombay
10 years ago

its a mug...//... btw those who didnt go personally..wat abt them...will they ever get?

Nandini Deka
from Bombay
10 years ago

see this >>


i wish they had cadbury bournvilles too

from hyderabad
10 years ago

It looks like a plastic mug! Foot in mouth

Nandini Deka
from Bombay
10 years ago

i dunno if its plastic...maybe recently most mugs recieved for ring bell, were broken thats why they made this....but havent sent yet though thru courier...those who got it went and collected themselves

from hyderabad
10 years ago

By plastic, I meant disposable. They look like those disposable glasses in which tea / coffee is given. Sealed

from Thane
10 years ago

Thank you for the link Nandini! Cadbury bournvilles would have made it even better, but I will be more than happy to just get these! :D

Rohit Nair
Rohit Nair
from Mumbai
10 years ago

Guys, its definitely not a plastic cup. Its the usual ceramic mug.

The reason, from what I could gather talking to Nihal, was that they were having issues sending it through courier on account of (1) breakability of mugs and (2) possibility of theft of iPods, so they were still trying to figure it out. This was last Saturday though, not yesterday. Don't know what's happened since then. 

from Mumbai
10 years ago

Rohit I tried to call up Nihal yesterday but he didn't pick..May be they are busy finding a solution....The previous time I had a talk with Nihal he told me that they are going to courier it soon..........

Priyam Datta
Priyam Datta
from Mumbai
10 years ago

Ummm... so are we supposed to go and collect it then? Do we need to carry anything with us?

Amruta Birari
Amruta Birari
from mumbai
10 years ago

can anybody tell me the exact address from were can we collect our iPod!!

from hyderabad
10 years ago

You can send a mail here asking for address or directly call Nihal Wink on the number  given on the right side of that page. 

Or you can also wait. They will send it by courier. Laughing

Nandini Deka
from Bombay
10 years ago

address is given on previous page by vineet.........................ah does that mean those who dont go personally will never get? CryCool

from hyderabad
10 years ago

Already one wekk has passed since Vineet posted that message. Tongue out So, they must already be on the way. ND, you'll never receive yours. Tongue out

Those who wish can collect it this week itself from us (Call Nihal on 9867759992) and pick it up on Saturday between 9AM to 5PM. Address: 1B/104, Royal Park, Station Road, Kanjurmarg East, Mumbai 400042.

Heena Dhedhi
Heena Dhedhi
from Mumbai
10 years ago

Ranjit whatabt the ipads?

from hyderabad
10 years ago

I don't know. Undecided

The results were announced just one week back. Generally, it takes a few months ( 1-2-3 ) for the prizes to be dispatched. Some take less than a month. Some take more time. So, wait or simply forget about it. The courier wala will surprise you one day with the ipad. Laughing

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