Beauty has an address! #BeautifulOman

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
10 years ago

New contest, people - 3 holiday trips to Oman to be won + IndiPattaani prizes! Smile

Replies 61 to 80 of 81 Ascending
from Jaipur
10 years ago

This sounds interesting! :D

Ekta Khetan
Ekta Khetan
from Mumbai
10 years ago

I just saw the contest page and started dreaming...Wow interesting contest team Indiblogger.

If only I could ever write a "prize winning" travel contest entry..never won any travel contests in spite of good effort.. hee hee..But can't stop dreaming about Oman. Beautiful locales. Way to go Indi!


Rutavi Mehta
Rutavi Mehta
from Mumbai
10 years ago



I was wondering what are we suppose to write on.. Just "Beauty is address" Cant figure out what needs to be written

Nandini Deka
from Bombay
10 years ago

Everyone experiences a country differently. If you could visit the magical country of Oman, where would you go, what would you do and why? its given in the last sentence

from Bangalore
10 years ago

Read This

Everyone experiences a country differently. If you could visit the magical country of Oman, where would you go, what would you do and why?

You should write about "If you could visit the beautiful country of Oman, where would you go, what would you do and why"

from Bangalore
10 years ago

ND ,Our brain works alike Tongue out

Nandini Deka
from Bombay
10 years ago

knithaTongue outLaughingCool

from kolkata
10 years ago

I guess I ain't good enough to write impressive posts to even think of winning such contests but those very talented people who are investing much time and mental energy to write posts for these contests should get paid. If Indiblogger is making money by promoting businesses by making us members/ Bloggers write a post about them then why not share the revenue. The bloggers are doing all the hard work, innit? Only giving out some prizes to few aint enough for the hard work other Bloggers contributing and effecting the promotions in the online world. It would look exploitation.

Nandini Deka
from Bombay
10 years ago

bloggers take part out of their OWN FREE WILL, so how can it be called exploitation?

besides if its a paying'd be so boring -- contest gives the 'thrill' and 'sense of 'competition'

bloggers can remove their post anytime they want or not participate at all if they dont like the contests term/conditions which are clear from the begining.

and its just my opinion,,

from Bangalore
10 years ago

+1 ND...we blog coz we love blogging..joining IB is our own decison,we are not asked to be a part of it on gun point.we are not forced to write for any contest,even without taking part in any contest one can just stay as a member in IB....usage of  word-"Exploitation" is inappropriate..

Bhavana Lalwani
Bhavana Lalwani
from Jodhpur
10 years ago

season of contests is back .. 

from hyderabad
10 years ago


from delhi
10 years ago

Will participate .. real hope to win ... Exotic and adventurous place Oman is !!!

Travel contest.. looks interesting...


4 Indipattani means 1 for each good post per week probably...

Saket Kalikar
Saket Kalikar
from Hyderabad
10 years ago
The contest will be judged on .....................and interaction.
How is "interactiion" judged? No of comments? Innocent   And still confused if Indipattani prizes are 4 per week of 1 per week?
from Mumbai
10 years ago

And still confused if Indipattani prizes are 4 per week of 1 per week?

I think it's one for each week, since it shows the number as 4 prizes to be given out in all.

from hyderabad
10 years ago

How is "interactiion" judged?

The word interaction was mentioned for some earlier contest also ( some 1-2 years ago Innocent ) And the answer given by someone from the IndiTeam was that interaction = how your post interacts with the reader - something like conversational 

Saket Kalikar
from Hyderabad
10 years ago

Thanks Ranjith!

What nobody knows, Ranjipedia does!Smile


from hyderabad
9 years ago


Khushboo Motihar
Khushboo Motihar
from Mumbai
10 years ago

Will 4 vouchers be awarded every week or one every week? I am confused. 

Five IndiPattani's for the best 5 posts submitted till 8th.

5 IP's for the best 5 (excluding above 5 )  submitted till 15th

and so on...

So, you can win an IP even if you submit on the last day of the contest but the chances of winning will be lower because if you submit in the first week itself, your post will be considered 4 times for IP.

Thank You Ranjith Cool

Khushboo Motihar
from Mumbai
10 years ago

Thank you Narasimha and Ranjith Smile

from hyderabad
10 years ago

You're welcome Tongue out

from Bangalore
10 years ago

Wow ! traveling contest ! Smile

Nikita Goel
Nikita Goel
from Houston
10 years ago


Bushra M
Bushra M
from Bangalore
10 years ago

Lovely! Smile

from Mumbai
10 years ago

And, I have never been to Oman and read little, hence looking forward to see its beauty through the posts of all the wonderful bloggers here! Smile All the best to everyone participating!

from Mumbai
10 years ago

Awesome! Keep the travel contests coming!! Smile

Btw, does anyone know what's that dish called (or are they fruits?), the girl is tempting us with? Innocent

disha kotak
from mumbai
10 years ago

Arti , they are Luqaimat's , think of it as fried  donuts dunked in cardamom flavour syrup,  sweet n succulan balls of haven.

My neighbour made them during ramadan, too bad they moved :( 

Stuti Shrimali
Stuti Shrimali
from Mumbai
10 years ago

a wow contest :)

from Bangalore
10 years ago


so ur wish for new contests is granted Smile

from India
10 years ago

And your's too Tongue out


Babitha costa
Babitha costa
from chennai,India
10 years ago

i love to  see onam,  will participate.

you meant Oman? Tongue out

Babitha costa
from chennai,India
9 years ago



disha kotak
disha kotak
from mumbai
10 years ago

Only the winner gets to go :(


from Mumbai
10 years ago

Yeah, +1 ... Frown

Heena Dhedhi
from Mumbai
10 years ago

Arti, i didnt see a +1 in the T&C's. Want to be sure before I write. Am struggling to get my 2 year young kid okayed for a trip i just won. Really feel cheated. 

+1 was for feeling sad i guess

from Mumbai
10 years ago

NSV is right, Heena. That + 1 was because I shared disha's sentiments .. Even I dont see the T&C saying anything about companion travel. So we really can't be sure unless someone from the team throws some light from this angle. Renie?

Coming back to your story, that's too bad and insensitive on their part. I hope your struggle bears good results for you.

disha kotak
from mumbai
10 years ago

The TnC clearly states accommodation on single occupancy basis, so am guessing its for the winner only, not the companion :( 

Come to think of it, it might just be a "Queen" moment for the winner. Single traveler to a far off exotic land .... *breaks out into Roar from ketty perry*

from Bangalore
10 years ago

My last trip to Oman won me a voucher for Perfect Road Trip contest, will definitely participate in this..

from Mumbai
10 years ago

Carry your luck forward Meghana - go, win the trip for your 'trip this time'. Wink All the best! Smile

from Bangalore
10 years ago

Haha, thank you Arti, looking frwd for your entry and wishes to you too for the contest..

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