Harshavardhan Balasubramani would like you to review his/her blog.
[ http://shaiitaan.wordpress.com/ ] IndiRank: 36

Looking for a feedback on the blog!

Well, hello there

"Helter-Skelter" started out as a place to put up my work as my awesome mother kept throwing away all my notepads I used to scribble ideas/write complete pieces along with the monthly "raddi", i.e. scrap paper.

But then apparently there are people out there who like my brand of sarcasm and satire.

That, along with the fact that I've always viewed myself as an outsider or an observer in this clearly messed up place we call life, even when I've been quite literally, a "popular jock" all my life, I'm intrigued by the smallest of nuances of the human behaviour, and mostly, I go "meh", and when I don't, I'm either creeped out or disgusted or appalled or laughing my behind off, and it's exactly those instances I write about.

I say it like I see it. Always. 

And this place is random, I mean even for me, I write because I love to, and I write when I feel like it. 

But I've never been reviewed before, this should be fun. 

Thanks again in advance! cheers.

Edited 9 years ago
Reason: just 'cuz I like to edit stuff.