You and Your Indirank

from Mumbai
13 years ago

Indirank -- What does it mean to us, Indibloggers?

How do you look at them? Your standing amongst  fellow Indibloggers, a matter of pride, your blog's worth may be or is it just a number for you?

An increase in Indirank is always welcome but what about a drop? Does a decrease in the rank bog you down or do you take it in your stride and motivate yourself to do better next time?

Do you have a tendency to judge other people's blog through their ranks say when promoting posts on indivine, when checking out somebody's profile or do you not notice it even?

I am curious and would really love to know what role does Indirank play in an Indibloggers life??

Please share your thoughts here Smile

Replies 41 to 57 of 57 Descending
Kumar Nair
Kumar Nair
from Trivandrum
13 years ago

It's a way to bring more traffic to ..Delay it..People will come again and again to check else people will come only after to check their rank again.

Dhiraj Shenoy
from Bangalore
13 years ago

+1 , superb

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Wow... A conspiracy theory!! Great :)
from Mumbai
13 years ago
The Indirank update status has changed, no dates given this time!!!
from Mumbai
13 years ago
Ya, postponed indefinitely!!!
Madhav Mishra
from gurgaon,haryana
13 years ago


from Mumbai
13 years ago
from Mumbai
13 years ago
My hair have started to fall, is it because of all the worrying and wait associated with the upgrade and update of Indirank???
from Mumbai
13 years ago
You must be joking, right!?!
Dhiraj Shenoy
from Bangalore
13 years ago

May be when rank actually come , you will be bald . So Sad Yell

from Mumbai
13 years ago
@Dhiraj Hehe:-D
from Mumbai
13 years ago
May 1st 2011, New Indirank still to hit the scene, Renie had said it will come out by the end of April!!
from Hyderabad
13 years ago

Hope it comes on May 5th.. :D

from mumbai
13 years ago

May 5th ? any particular reason? no 5 lucky for you ?SmileLaughing

Dhiraj Shenoy
from Bangalore
13 years ago

That is date given by Indileaks . Hope it works like Wikileaks .

from Hyderabad
13 years ago

Abhi .. genrally indirank is updated on dat date. So, I jus' guessed it again..


Well, indileaks? LOL..

from Mumbai
13 years ago

April 5th was the original date on which the rank was supposed to come out originally before it  getting posponed, So I would say @Madhumathi Good guess!

from Mumbai
13 years ago

@Dhiraj Fingers crossed

Dhiraj Shenoy
from Bangalore
13 years ago

Fingers and toes both crossed

from Mumbai
13 years ago

@Dhiraj They are beginning to ache now!

Dhiraj Shenoy
from Bangalore
13 years ago

@Arti , you can relax it for sometime may be till may5th morning .

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Okies :-D :-P
from Mumbai
13 years ago
@ Dheeraj, Madhumati I dont think it will come out soon as they have lots of other matters to solve!! We can keep waiting!!
from Mumbai
13 years ago
Miss detective Madhumati, having garnered all the secret info from the Inditeam!! Hehe:) Lets see :-D
from Mumbai
13 years ago

IndiJasoos Madhumathi...LOL!

ha ha! indiJasoos! rofl! Laughing

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Her covert top secret mission seems to have failed... The date was wrong :-(:-(
from Kerala
13 years ago

Since we have no foolproof method to analyze a blog, this ranking system must be stopped. Alexa, GPR, Post frequency etc can't be considered as an index of a good blog. Many bloggers are not even aware of these things. Now come to the quality of articles, it's also relative. For example I don't like poetry and  don't like such blogs but how I can say  that all the poetry blogs are good for nothing in comparison to tech blogs? So we have to agree with the fact that no such a machine coded ranking system can evaluate a blog. 

Sorry, I am a part time blogger and may not be able to participate in hot discussions but just quoting my views, that's all Smile. I have some objections related to contests also, will come with a post soon.

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Sujithji great to see your views here... We know that Indirank is not perfect but still it is alluring in its own ways... They are also coming up with upgrades, lets see how it is...

Yeah he is right. I should add that since alexa, pagerank and all others are especially easy for tech bloggers because their audience is much much larger. They get more readers, more pageviews, more feedreaders, more backlinks. I think the ratio is something like this.. 1 in every 50 internet surfers would be interested in prose and poetry or literature blogs. So therein lies a fallacy.

I think we should make this indirank something like this.

  • Make the indirank updates one-time in about 6 months or even a year.
  • But each blog should be judged by 2-3 moderators. The average of the points that they give can be used as the indirank. You can have separate moderators for separate categories.
  • Initially when I joined indiblogger i did think that this was the case. I didn't know that it was automated. So as i have mentioned. It is unfair to some bloggers.
from Mumbai
13 years ago
Good points Xeno... Something to chew on for the team, but they must be trying their level best to release the newer version of Indirank soon:)
from Mumbai
13 years ago
Dont you think that the second point is too time consuming!!

@ Arti: Yeah time consuming! but that is why we're giving them 6 months. Like if you work 4 days a week -> 16 days a month -> 96 days in 6 months ->

and if you're working 5 hours every working day -> you take 10 minutes to judge and rate a blog -> so you're rating 30 blogs in a day -> which means you in 96 days, you can rate 5580 blogs.

I assume there are >25000 blogs on indiblogger. Bring in 5 mods. And its a simple job!

from Mumbai
13 years ago

Excellent analysis Xeno! But do you think 10 minutes to judge and rate a blog is enough time to give out the proper and deserving rankings?

In the automated version, they have to actually give 0 hrs of any day to our blogs to judge and rate it, still we have delaysInnocent I am just wondering what will be the situation when its actually moderated manually? We will have to count the delay period in years, i guessTongue out

Dhiraj Shenoy
from Bangalore
13 years ago

Calculations is simple , but is it practical ???

@Arti: Hmm that is true. :)

@Dhiraj: It is a bit practical, but a lot impossible, considering the point which arti pointed out.

But don't lambaste me with sarcasm if I say that it would take me (or any normal blogger) 5 minutes to judge any tech blog and 10 minutes maximum to judge other blogs. And it can't be more unfair than the current automated system, isn't it?

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Dont you think judging 5000 Blogs a month will make one INSANE, Hehe:-D:-D just a thought!!

come on! 30 blogs a day! is that too much?

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Can you review 30 Blogs every day? Well I definitely cant!! And anyways 96 multiplied by 30 is only 2880 and not 5580 :-(:-(

Aaah! That explains all those low grades in marks.

Sorry people! Arti just headbanged my system as hogwash.

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Sorry Xeno :-P
from Mumbai
13 years ago
Any new ideas @ Xeno??
from Mumbai
12 years ago

He's gone undergroundSealed

from Mumbai
12 years ago
:-o :-P
Punit Dubey
Punit Dubey
from Navi Mumbai
13 years ago

Without a paid SEO thing, for an amateur blogger I guess the ranks - PR, Alexa, IndiRank - are the only options to see where a blogger actually (!) stands in the community. Plus, yes the ranks do attract or say, give a reason to the audience to follow a blog....but as Sujith said, ranks are generally quantitative and don't give an exact picture of the quality of the articles....Wish Xeno can do something on it...Laughing

from Mumbai
13 years ago

Very rightly pointed out Punit. with very little knowledge on SEO and stuff, how muchever we deny, but these things do attract us more!

Yeah, our indipolicy formulator, The Xeno is working on it and will come out with solutions soon Laughing

Oh! Atlast somebody understood my hard-work. People - not to worry - i'm working day and night to bring you more stupid alternatives to the features of indiblogger.

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Hehe :-):-)
from Mumbai
13 years ago
Nice to see you taking things in the right spirit and not getting agitated, way to go B-):)

Then again I was thinking... what if .. we could do something like this.

Let there be the indirank with whatever system it works on...

Make an IndiFlu [Influence] or IndiPower or IndiCeleb Status which will be somewhat like Technorati authority.. but except that it will depend on the no. of times his posts are voted on IndiVine. Here is a rough example. Person Z has submitted 100 posts on Indivine and has got a total of 200 votes. So his authority is (200/100). If Person X (sounds like me) submits 500 posts on Indivine and gets 50 votes in total his authority is (50/500). [Yeah that does sound like me].

Higher authority... the better.

from Mumbai
13 years ago
It will take ages for the new Bloggers who join to get anywhere near to the status or ranking of old Bloggers... As it is people are not satisfied by Indivine voting and its overall performance... Integrating it and making it that important that it decides the rank of Bloggers will only complicate the issue and make things worse...:-(
from Mumbai
13 years ago
Atleast you are thinking of all this, way better than me who is just pointing out the flaws!!! Any more ideas Xeno:):)
TF Carthick
from Bangalore
13 years ago

As Arti said, voting itself is not perfect. Not necessarily the best posts get voted. Try this. After you put up a post, just go and distribute votes to 100 people who are active here. You will get back at least 50 votes irrespective of the quality of your post.

hmm... yes of course voting is not perfect. Then i think b4 anything else... we need changes in indivine system.

from Mumbai
13 years ago
@ The Fool Yes the voting system is far from perfect.
from Mumbai
13 years ago
@ Xeno Back to square one:-(:-( Think of something else :)
from hyderabad
13 years ago

It is infact a matter of pride to display our indirank widget on our blog. But at the same time it is not a measure of how good a blog is. The reason being that we are not much aware of how indirank is calculated. According to the admin(or whatever you call them as) they look into evreything: the frequency of posting, followers, subscribers, hits and so on.... One may consider all these things not so important and may be of the view that one post of not more than 100  words per month that raises the thinking level of readers is sufficient. His blog is the best for him. But for the indirank software it is a bad blog, not worthy of reading. The indirank system has many loopholes. It gives a higher rank to more popular blogs thanks to the huge blog stas and subscribers. It does leave the average bloggers from being exposed to co bloggers. On the whole indirank might matter for some. For others, it means nothing but the carton that packs a cake that is anyway going to be thrown out.

 On 'A light hearted talk' : Automaton actions overpowering reasonless rejections

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Very true... I have always been a critic of the frequency of posts being a criteria in calculation of Indirank... Once I was off blog for a month and the rank dropped by 12 points!!!

Thought of something new. I don't know if this is will bring about any difference in the late-coming of the rank updates.. but still... suggesting

How about if the indiranks are based on just the number of posts submitted on indivine that month and the number of times promoted. Moreover contest wins are a booster. We can figure out an algorithm on that maybe. But i haven't taken the pains to do so because i'm feeling too sleepy now.

Dhiraj Shenoy
from Bangalore
13 years ago

now don't confuse them further . let them finish their upgrade , then lets us debate on it .

Pundit Commentator
from Delhi
13 years ago

Yuck, no. Laughing

Please lets not mix up indivine with indirank.

As I understand it, Indirank is a measure of the quality of an entire blog connected to Indiblogger whether or not the blogger wishes to participate in contests or Indivine.

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Again it favors those who post more frequently as they will be able to put us more posts on Indivine and as we have already discussed above the voting system is also flawed and new Bloggers stand no chance of getting a good rank atleast for 6-8 months!!!
TF Carthick
from Bangalore
13 years ago

This is the same thing again as voting. Voting is based on networks you have and not a reliable indicator of blog quality. Again number of posts submitted here is same as frequency of posting which is already factored in.

hmm... idea scrapped.

from Mumbai
13 years ago
Sorry Xeno... Perhaps you should summon your super powers that helped you hack indiblogger and also scare them... to think something out of the ordinary and picture perfect for everyone!!!
from Mumbai
12 years ago
Just reviving the thread for more views :):)
from mumbai
12 years ago


from Mumbai
12 years ago

:) What do you think of this rank thing abhi? Do share your views :)

from mumbai
12 years ago

arti, i love the whole concept of indirank. It is something that is very unique to indiblogger , its a very motivating and encouraging tool for bloggers.I applaud the person who thought of coming up with 'indirank'.

since i have recieved only a few indiranks, i have almost forgotten the feeling of having a good indirank Tongue out.

from Mumbai
12 years ago
Ya its a unique concept and the person who thought of it must feel proud today to see so many people loving it:)
from Mumbai
12 years ago
With the JULY Indiranks around the corner reviving the thread for more views :):)
from mumbai
12 years ago

keeping my fingers crossed ! :)

from Mumbai
12 years ago
Me too:)
from Mumbai
12 years ago
I love this waiting for INDIRANK!! Gets everyone excited and on the edge of their seats!!
Dhiraj Shenoy
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Sometimes we even fall from our edge of the seats in waiting for this things called "Indirank "

from Mumbai
12 years ago
I think Most of the times!! Not Sometimes!!!
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Yea, unless someone does something about it... I dont think there is any scope for improvement on this one Undecided Where is our IndiPolicy Moderator - Xeno!

from Mumbai
12 years ago
Yes Xeno is missed on the forum! His witty and tactful humor always kept us in good spirits here...
from Mumbai
12 years ago
Now how many names should I take, there are many others missing too..
R Saraswathan
R Saraswathan
from Bangalore
12 years ago

When the update gets delayed they should at least indicate the probable date of release instead of leaving the earlier date of update to remain on the Dashboard Indirank Stats column which still says 25th September 2011 on September 27th and no news of an Update! A pity.

R Saraswathan
R Saraswathan
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Aha! I see they have indicated 30th September as the expected date of update! Thanks folks for your immediate action in "Nano secs".

from Mumbai
12 years ago

Good work, I hope they are not delayed any further!

from Mumbai
12 years ago
Plus 1 Arti!:)
Sunita Kurup
Sunita Kurup
from Pune/London
12 years ago

hmm for me indirank means something bright and shiny.... i luv the whole look of a star with a number...feels like the rank u used to get it school :) :) :) still waiting for my first indirank though :)

from Mumbai
12 years ago
All the best for your first rank Sunita:)
from Mumbai
12 years ago
I too love the starry feel it brings along, and all the colours too! The bars and graphs, in all those bright shades and hues actually appeals to me more than the numbers :p Wish you the best for your debut rank, Sunita :):)
from Mumbai
12 years ago
Bumping it up for the newbie's to add their views:)

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