Will Narendra Modi make a good PM ?

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Looking at the way the present government is heading from one crisis to another, i feel the time has come for people to think of an alternative.  This time around people should vote for a single party on absolute majority basis.  We are really sick of coalition politics.  Let us hope whoever is the next PM, he or she is empowered to lead the country into prosperity with good road network, abundant power, networking all rivers, nationalising all minerals and finally having good storage facility for food grains.

Replies 1 to 9 of 9 Descending
Shalu Sharma
Shalu Sharma
from Patna, Delhi
12 years ago

My personal opinion is that current ruling party is to perform poorly in the coming elections. This means thumbs up for the opposition. The question is, who will be projected. There are couple of options, Nitish Kumar and Narendra Modi. If it can work for Gujarat, I am sure it can do well for the rest of India. Economy and good admistration is important. 

from Mumbai
12 years ago

I have a feeling that they mey win again. It has been their history that they take popular decisions when elections come near and Aam Janta, the way fools we are, forgets everything and votes them. Why do we forget that we voted against an excellent government only because of onions.

I would personally not like Nitish Kumar to move out of Bihar. Sorry for being selfish here, but being a Bihari, I think Bihar needs him right now. He is doing excellent job

Diwakar Narayan
from Pune
12 years ago

I second your thoughts Animesh. Nitish is the need of Bihar now. Modi, already having taken Guj to taste a great success, can be best projected as PM.

Payoj Gupta
Payoj Gupta
from Vadodara, Surat
12 years ago

Yes, perhaps he is the best option that we have from the current lot. Though his authoritarian attitude is a bit scary at times, it is exactly that attitude that can work for our country. I have seen work happening here in Gujarat, and not happening elsewhere. UPA may "plan" dams (though they simply refuse to increase the height of Sardar Sarovar) over five years, but this man gets built a thousand smaller ones in the same time. 


Mind you, a lot of it also is a result of the people's willingness for development. I mean, if your villages are not ready for stepping out of their rustic means to make way for industries, no one can do much. But, with a strong hand, and no-nonsense attitude, things tend to get done, people tend to fall in line. That is for the greater good.


But even he may not be as effective as he has been in Gujarat under the pressures of coalition politics. He shall require a good mandate for making a Gujarat out of India.


Either way, even an 11 year old can do a better job than the current PM.

Rujuta Xavier
Rujuta Xavier
from Gandhinagar
12 years ago

Coming for Modi's state... I think he will make a good PM, though not in a way many may have expected...

TF Carthick
TF Carthick
from Bangalore
12 years ago

I am a bit sceptical about Modi. He has been projected too strongly as anti-mulsim. Even if he is innocent, his ascencion will give wrong message to muslims and alienate a huge chunk of the population and difficult to run a country when such a large section of the country is against you. Advani looks listless. Sushma and Jaitley hardly inspire hope. The picture looks extremely bleak. A nation of a billion does not boast of  even one good leader.

from Mumbai
12 years ago

Sorru to say that, but tilll when will we live under of fear of giving wrong signal? Who gives right signal then? Even courts have dropped charges against him, what else are we waiting for?

from Mumbai
12 years ago

It was sorry

The Sorcerer
from Mumbai
12 years ago

You know- eventually people will be tired of hindu- muslim thing. Congress has being doing the same blah-blah for ages. But its pretty obvious they don't have that intention. Religion should be kept out of politics because its useless and it benefits no1. No1 is benefitting anything. Rather its making things worse. After seeing our current PM chickening out, I am getting a feeling that PM is more of a title role but the real control is the leader of the winning party. I don't know a lot about Narendra Modi- because story isn't still clear despite court giving him a clean chit. I mean- what did Modi do well before he became the chief minister? Or was he given power because "he's the chosen one" or something?

from Mumbai
12 years ago

Don't when that day will come. At least I'm tired

Payoj Gupta
Payoj Gupta
from Vadodara, Surat
12 years ago

I agree with Sorcerer, one can not give a definite reason why he became what he is. He is not an IAS officer who may have had some previous experience of how administration works. But when have our leaders been selected on merit, for something they accomplished, for their education and whatnot.

It is the same, if not worse with the other candidate. We are supposed to choose him because he indeed is the Chosen One, because his father was the One as was his father's mother before him!

In their bid, to not be seen catering solely to the intelligentsia, they have severely neglected this community from decision making. In India, leaders become great only for the work they do after becoming leaders. Narendra Modi, for example, was an RSS prachrak. So, he must have been involved in some grassroot work like providing aid during wars and disasters. However, his elevation in BJP is a result of his excellent organisation skills. He managed the rath yatras through the nation; which though a managerial function, need not qualify him to be chief minister, so at some level shrewd politics may have been involved at some part. 

But it is the work after he became CM that more than qualifies him for the PM's job. He tends to instill discipline and order among citizens, and confidence among investors. That is the recipe for a good economy.

The Sorcerer
from Mumbai
12 years ago

What organisational skills he has? What experience he has? Running a state surrounded by your own people is significantly different compared to running a country. Isn't his entry to United States barred or something? Well if you ask me, they declared L.K. Advani as "The One" Prime Minister and oh....well... we all know how that went down :P. Lets not forget politicans have people, party workers, cabinet, etc. to plan out things for them and to make things clear. He is successful because he has a successful people in the state- in HIS state.  Isn't RSS some group with old people wearing half pants and making lame speeches, using religion as their personal mascot or something? If they're not a political party, why are they so "influential" in politics? How are they different from industrialists influencing political parties??? Really- that old man provided aid during wars? Looks more like one of those shaan type barking order kinda dude if you ask me. Prime ministership are controlled by party leaders. If a party leader is a moron, things tend to create problem- no matter how good the prime minister is. The job of a prime minister is not like the president of united states where the president makes the call on his own and consider other people's words as "advice". I don't know about this hindu-muslim thing but honestly its getting annoying. Jobs are given based on religion and I know some construction who don't want people from 1 religion to work or to buy houses- and heck there are times even their investors put it. I am sorry to say Payoj but unless the people change, no matter which prime minister you put in seat, people will still do what they do. What's the point in a developed nation if general public's competancy and understand is substandard? Politicians will only do and say what people love.

Payoj Gupta
Payoj Gupta
from Vadodara, Surat
12 years ago

Sorcerer, I myself do not know about his organisational skills, and frankly I do not give a damn. But he has had plenty of experience managing a state, more than any other leader I can think of. I know for a fact that there are no power cuts in Gujarat, that the infrastructure is one of the best in the country, there are plenty of jobs. There is a positivity in the general atmosphere, that the administration is not sitting idle. 

Yes, he is indeed not allowed in America. Which means that even if he does end up as PM, he may never get the same respect internationally as Dr. Manmohan Singh commands. But at the same time, what has Dr. Singh really accomplished by being able to go there? 

I agree that a prime Minister has a cabinet and party workers to take into confidence, but so is the case with a Chief Minister; and people like Modi, Nitish Kumar, Mayawati (sadly), have strong personalities that overshadow others around them. they do take unilateral decisions, which though may sometimes be undesirable does get work done instead of stalling forever.

As I had already mentioned before, he owes a large part of his success to the attitude of the people here towards development. I just hope that the same can be cultivated across the rest of the country.

Yes, they do wear half pants, and yes they do value their religious beliefs, but RSS is also one of the largest humanitarian organisations in the country. They are influential because their people comprise the largerst opposition party in the country. But that is irrelevant to this topic. 

I agree with you that there is a certain amount of discrimination against Muslims in the state, (though it is highly exaggerated in media discourse) the situation is more or less similar in the rest of the country (please correct me if I am wrong).

Though he isn't the ideal choice one would like to go with or perhaps feel safe with; but off the present lot, I believe he is our best bet. 

The Sorcerer
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Meh!! managing a country is different league compared to managing a state nevertheless. There's no guaruntee that he will use his powers as a PM (if he becomes one) and uses it for his own state only. Exaggerated? I am selling my house in Bandra West to buy 2x 2BHK in Lokandwada, majority of the society and builders tell to the agents that no muslims allowed. The building I live in right now is also the same- but then they changed their mind because "we don't look like muslims". They gave an excuse that everyone in this building is purely veg and non alcoholic, but its exactly the opposite. Now it has got to a point that when a muslim sells an apartment, they keep a condition that the first preferences are muslims. It is not exaggerated. Many things need to be exposed and there are many bad things happening. You can't prove it because the seller will never speak to the buyer directly at first, so you will always need an agent. You and people don't live in that situation and you do not know. It is not an exaggeration, its it anything but an exaggeration. But I dont care- why??? Because someone will have to grow some balls and move beyond religious crap- any religious crap- because our country is going back in the dark ages. I am sure all religion has some rule somewhere that their religion shouldn't be used as a political tool. So if they're really religious, they need to follow THAT too. Its stupid and so lame!!!! I want a Prime Minister/chief minister who has no direct links to religious body to gain power. Ofcourse I am not going to get that here, this is the country that thrives on "minority politics". This country is not truly a secular country. This country forces their people to be conscious which people belongs to which religion. They'll divide people into subclasses if they have to to make a community seem like a minority. I get it! Lotta people don't like us and lotta people hate us- even though we're natives here. I don't care. I never did. But for the past 5-10 years situation has changed for the worst around here. The way I see things, the british are smart. They knew that majority of the people are morons so they used a minor difference between hindus and muslims- AND WE'RE STILL FALLING FOR IT!!!!! ARRRRGHHH!!!! I HATE EVERYTIME WHEN WE HAVE TO TALK ABOUT POLITICS WE HAVE TO BRING RELIGION!!! This is stupid!!!

The Sorcerer
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Since we're talking about this, I'll vent it all out and I'll vent it once and for all. I don't give any damn about which religion what 1 belongs to. The only thing I notice from religion is because some people have certain food habits and list of food that they should not consume and/or prepared in certain way- that's it. But as I grow older, things change. In this country, people force you to think that way. That collective forces individuals to assimilate the harsh reality is that if you belong to a specific religion- or dont belong to ours- you're garbage. That creates hatred- on the collective and the individual. I am developing that hatred. I hate it every situation that reminds me that irrespective of your nationality, the only recognition is my religion. I am not the best person to represent my religion- i'll be honest. There are lot of people in my religion who said "you don't even behave like a muslim" and in another corner "ohh you're a muslim!"- and all of a sudden we have sexually frustrated idiots who say "I have a friend who happened to be a muslim"- NO SHIT SHERLOCK!!! WE HAVE A MASSIVE POPULATION!Anyone who has ties with any religious body inorder to gain political power is a bad person. That person's intentions might be honest, but the outcome will be bad and the aftermath will be very bad. It will force good people to be bad. It will force people to choose a side- and no1 would like to be an outcast! Religion should never be used to gain power. And those people who have hatred towards a "minority" who frankly can occupy 5 states easily if they're dragged to a corner of a nation, I have 3 words for them!!! Cool story, bro!!!!And think about it, those who use religion has a weapon to gain into power- how are they so different from the british who occupied the land and kept us fighting amongst eachother????

Payoj Gupta
Payoj Gupta
from Vadodara, Surat
12 years ago

I understand (or perhaps i don't, only someone with such first-hand experience can really tell) your agony. I have heard the same too. I just have one question to ask you: What is the alternative you suggest?  Your agony does not provide a solution to the problem. It does exemplify it; but either way vote bank politics is going to stay as long as people are and feel maginalised. You will still have to choose someone. I understand that you will never choose Modi and I respect that choice. But as an enlightened citizen, you could tell us who else and why, if not this man.

The Sorcerer
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Its not agony. I am used to it. Its no big deal now. I am using those words because if someone like Modi comes, people will be forced in that situation to think- even though they hate it. The point is- when someone  with religious influence comes into power, shitstorm comes with it. Progress is not worth if it destroy the unity amongst people. Its nobody's fault really. Politicians are doing what their sponsors want. That's why politics and religion should have been kept separate from day 1. It has its effects, even in the smaller level. We also have morons in the media as well who create problem for both religion- and let's not deny that. In the name of sensationalism, things do have a point of going bad- and this is a very sensitive issue that no1 should speak of to be honest.Who will I choose? Who else is there? No way I am going to elect anyone who has influence with any religion- and when I say that, its clear majority of the Congress and BJP both are out of the picture. We need people. We need honest people. What we're doing now is not choosing the honest guy, but rather we're choosing someone who is of lesser evil. I do agree with what Umesh has said below. There needs to be a constitutional amendment to elect the PM directly. That's the best way. Another best way we can do like the U.S. is let the media guys put up this big show, give minutes to answer a particular question to all the candidates for being the Prime Minister. I would like to choose an aunty as a prime minister. Enough of guys- they're all bunch of screw ups!But when we're doing the amendment, realize one thing- Prime Minister gets a lot of power- A LOT! Because he or she is chosen by the people directly.

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

I personally feel that there should be constitutional amendment to elect the PM directly by the public with a clear mandate to be in the chair for 5 years, he should have veto power in case of voting for good causes.  He should be non partisan once elected.  This is the only way to move of the coalition compulsion.  We have able administrators in Arun Jaitley, Pranab Mukherjee, even retired public servants such as Gen V K Singh, etc.

Payoj Gupta
from Vadodara, Surat
12 years ago

I agree with you. But you are putting forward an ideal situation. Long time back, I wrote an article about how elections should occur. 


But such systems and amendments are anyway in the hands of those who are right now in the parliament, and they do not seem ready to make way for such a person at the top. We should be pratical in our expectations. By chance, today we have two candidates in Modi and to an extent Nitish Kumar, who are products of the existing system, yet able to perform. We shall need a revolution of some kind to do what you/I suggest. It would be counter-productive to the economy, and does not seem feasible with the present lot in parliament.

from Bengaluru
12 years ago

Modi surely is a right candidate for PM. He has definetly done wonders to Gujarat, I am sure he would be successful if he implements atleast 50% of it on India.

There are talks about him being anti-muslim, I am definetly not sure about he is a culprit, but whatever I have seen in Ahmedabad and some frns that I have met, they don't have any complaint (some of them are muslim). We are in 2012, and must come out of religion and caste barriers.


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