Domain name - Feedback

Lakshmi Rajan
Lakshmi Rajan
from Bangalore
15 years ago

Hi Guys ,

I am planning to migrate my blog

to my own domain 

Do give me a feedback on this domain name that I have registered.

Thanks in advance :)

Replies 1 to 6 of 6 Descending
from Mumbai
15 years ago

R, this is just my opinion, but I'd suggest having a meaningful domain name, that suggests something about what the content would be. Also, new users would be more open to trying your site, if the name itself is interesting. :)


Lakshmi Rajan
from Bangalore
15 years ago

@ Sumit

Thanks for your input and suggestion.

The reason i chose the name was , My blog talks about  various topics of my interests .

Yat is to talk , chit chat .

And so I thought should be quiet catchy and easy to type and remember.


from Mumbai
15 years ago

Actually... in Hindi 'Yatayat' means 'traffic'... So I was just wondering if people might end up getting confused. :D


Lakshmi Rajan
Lakshmi Rajan
from Bangalore
15 years ago

:D i never knew this "other" meaning for my domain name

yayyaty > traffic

:p i hope it brings great traffic to my blog rather :D 

It is not easy to pronounce or write. Too many y's in it. And the meaning is not commonly understood.

People will find it difficult to remember such a tongue-twister of a word.

And yat doesn't seem to have the meaning you are attributting to it -- talking. None of the dictionaries l looked up give this meaning.

Are you confusing yat with yap?

Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
15 years ago

I think its simple enuf........... Y at Y at Y......... sounds nice and out of the world to me.;.......

Since you already have bought it, there is no way you can go ahead and change it....

You should have asked this before you buy one.....

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