26/11 Mumbai Terror Attacks (10)
Salute to the Martyrs
sachinpens.blogspot.com - Its a word which actually belongs to history, maybe, but today the brave officers of Mumbai ATS (Anti-Terrorism Squad) including the ATS chief, Officer Hemant Karkare, have been shot dead in Mumbai...
Mumbai Terror Strikes : Yet another Intelligence...
jalpeshmehta.blogspot.com - 26th November, 2008, 9:40 PM Mumbai hits the global headlines for being attacked by the terrorists openly firing at the Public. All news channels carrying bizarre scenarios of the
Fork in the Road
manjujoglekar.wordpress.com - So now we have come to a fork in the road. The path we choose will determine the future of our nation.If we are attacked by an evil
War on Mumbai
wordingmythoughts.wordpress.com - It is hard to put down logical, rational and coherent thoughts after the incidents in Mumbai. The scale at which the terror attacks were - are conducted in Mumbai can only be an outcome of...
Maximum Damage to the Maximum City
lordofwords.blogspot.com - What appeared initially to be a gangwar turned out to be a terror attack soon after. I was studying at around 10 PM when a message from my friend startled me. "Dont step out, take care
Mumbai under attack, helplines
mokshjuneja.blogspot.com - Helplines for the Mumbai Under Terrorists Attack
26/11 : One Voice - Will it ever be yours???
takeuplaces.blogspot.com - When Mumbai was Raped. One voice can change the world - if that one voice will be yours. But will it ever be yours? Remembering 26/11.
Murder, Mayhem, Madness in Mumbai
calamur.org/gargi - My brother was getting home from Chembur. He had gone for a colleague’s wedding. And, he got late. and later. and even later. We turned on the news
How do you go back?
blog.sonaljhuj.com - How do you prevent all that's happening at Mumbai right now? I for one have no answer. Not yet anyway. For now I just feel numb.
Breaking News
sk-321.blogspot.com - It's been 15 hours since the terrorists have been resisting the police. The TV screen is choking with images of firing at CST, crowds milling outside Nariman House, remains of a taxi blown up on the...