Archana Vijay would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 33

Please review my personal blog

Archana Vijay
Archana Vijay
from Bangalore
11 years ago

Archu's Archive is my personal blog sharing my experiences, thoughts, opinions and sometimes short stories as well. I've been writing in this blog space for more than 7 years now with 85 pagelength posts so far on various topics. While I've gathered readers over the years, constructive feedback from Indibloggers would help me grow to the next level of blogging.


Replies 1 to 1 of 1

Its quite a neat blog to start of with  ! you have chipped in with all kinda stuff like promotions, reviews, short stories and all your personal archive which is quite handful for readers and makes you blog worth the read ! the content is also good ! But then you need to work on your alexa ranking and search engine backlinks ... 

Overall a nice attempt !