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Please do visit my blog

Aersh Danish
Aersh Danish
from Kolkata
10 years ago

TIMPLYBOO |pron: tim-plee-boo||noun|

In my dictionary of the nonsense, timplyboos are the epitome of all that makes sense.

Compared to most of the blogs on this foeum, mine can be considered as a just born baby. But what it is in its soul, is a collection of my social observations written with a touch of sarcasm and humour. Queer, catchy, fun with obscure insights of our world... with a throw of fiction every now and then, this is the world of TIMPLYBOO!

Please do visit it... I will be updating it very regularly, and I look forward to your comments. Do not hesitate to tell me where I am going wrong, or how to improve my writings.

Thank you.