Deep Bandivadekar would like you to review his/her blog.
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Review my blog please?

Deep Bandivadekar
Deep Bandivadekar
from Glasgow
5 years ago

Hello IndiBlogger peeps! Could you be kind and check my blog that I recently listed here and give me some feedback? I am especially looking for this:

  • If the language (style/choice of words/overall flow) is reader-friendly? Any improvements?
  • Are the looks/style of the blog attractive enough? Is there any element that's annoying/distracting while reading?
  • What aspect did you like the most? What aspect did you not like at all (I hope not)?
  • Anything else that catches your senses

Also, if you liked any particular blog post, would be happy to know :)

I'm purposefully avoiding writing about the theme (not the broad category) of my blog (which is rather subtle at this stage but I'm hoping to develop it in coming months to be more prominent).

