Dr Pratibha Singh would like you to review his/her blog.
[ http://pratibhameanstalent.blogspot.com/ ] IndiRank: 39

plz review my blog as i want to improve it further.

Dr Pratibha Singh
Dr Pratibha Singh
from delhi
13 years ago

What else  can I add to my blog to make it better?Any suggestion?

Replies 1 to 19 of 19
Vivek Iyer
Vivek Iyer
from Chennai
13 years ago

Dear Pratibha Singh

I just came from ur blog and its quite impressive on substance

but u should take care of things like design also

For Ex videos, slide show are on bottom if its on top then it'll make More readable


While putting 3rd party code like flags,livejeet be carefullt it doesnt affect the stucture of the blog

Hope u'll review my blog too


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Dr Pratibha Singh
Dr Pratibha Singh
from delhi
13 years ago
Mr Vivek Iyer ,

well thanks for the review I will keep in mind design part as well.

your blog is very organized ,everything in place and quite impressive too. 

Nandan Narula
Nandan Narula
from Indore, Bhopal
13 years ago

Beautiful snaps and a nice blog. . As u keep on adding more pictures, tag them and create a tag list or a cloud. . It will help the visitors to search for ur pics easily


Dr Pratibha Singh
from delhi
13 years ago

thanks alot for the valuable advice.

Its a very nicely arranged blog with beautiful pics. and expression of idea is marvellous.

We can improve by seeing each others blog and do away with or incorporate what is lacking.

even most perfect organised blog can be improved upon.

I am not a professional.

just hobby wise.

so whatever pleases us ,its great.

marvellous blog i can say.

Dr Pratibha Singh
Dr Pratibha Singh
from delhi
13 years ago

its great to hear something like this.I am very thankful to u for the comments

and valuable advice u gave.


from Bukit Mertajam
13 years ago

Hey, your blog is very impressive. Nice photos and superb ideas. Keep blogging.!! Cool

Dr Pratibha Singh
from delhi
13 years ago

Thanks Ranjini for your precious review on my blog.plz keep visiting ......

Madhu Nair
Madhu Nair
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Hello Dr Pratibha,

Nice blog - liked the Kashmir post esp since we were there recently.

Anyways, my 2 cents.

* the main header picture (of the wall) takes up too much of precious space. And it is the same thing which repeat visitors will get to see. You reduce the main header pic to a thinner strip (1.5").

* You should move the section 'Blogging makes me ...' to an 'About' section. Reason, repeat visitors need to see it everytime

* You are showing only one post on the main page. You should use the 'more' function and show multiple posts on the main page. Helps visitors to read the first few lines and decide if they want to read further or go on to the next post.

* The bottom of the page is cluttered. You should try and clean that up.

Other than that it's rocking :)

If you have the time, would you be able to review my blog for me. Would love to hear your thoughts.






Dr Pratibha Singh
Dr Pratibha Singh
from delhi
13 years ago

Hi Madhu Nair ,

Very impressive review and I really needed that.I knew that their is something to correct

and improve and your precious review enlighten the way to improve.Thanks a lot and I

will review your blog in next few minutes.Keep visiting my blog and let me know if more

corrections are required.



Punton Piper
Punton Piper
from Chennai/Kolkata
13 years ago

Utna mazaa nahin aaya..  its like good photos.. and few words.. smattered hether and thether...

Dr Pratibha Singh
Dr Pratibha Singh
from delhi
13 years ago

@Punton Piper

I will make sure to improve further and thanks for the review Sir.I am glad to see that people

really cares here and help you in improving BUT please elaborate how to make it a better blog.

waiting for a descriptive review from you Sir.Thanks for your time Sir.

Punton Piper
Punton Piper
from Chennai/Kolkata
13 years ago

Sabse pehle.. hum aapse umar mein chotte hain, toh kripaya sir ya mahoday karke na bulaiyega..


pics are great, but posts are small... like the 1 concerning the snake.. so many beautiful thoughts can come..


Like if you are religious.. then u can tell about the snake garlanded around Lord Siva or Lord Krishna's dance on kalia.. you might have very well studied about Snakes in biology [assuming the fact tht u are a Dr. doctor Laughing] you could tell us about a snake in detail.. thirdly.. any experience of yours with snakes.. thoda detail mein jaaiyega.. mazaa aa jaayega.. par always believe in what you write..

Dr Pratibha Singh
Dr Pratibha Singh
from delhi
13 years ago

I think you are right but I wrote my mind .If I will try to manipulate myself in writing then I

wouldn't be happy and my sole purpose of blogging is to express myself my own ways.

I really appreciate the way you feel ,your way of visualising things and its good because its

about how you feel and you have individuality of your own .Same way I have my own

perception and those I expressed in my blog.But one thing I can assure you that I will consider

your view too.Thanks for sharing your vision and hope to see you on my blog soon.


Dr Pratibha Singh
Dr Pratibha Singh
from delhi
13 years ago

need more reviews to improve and step further .

Alpana Jaiswal
Alpana Jaiswal
from Siliguri
13 years ago

Hi, Dr. Pratibha, Thank you for your vote, I loved your blog...and will keep on following it. If you can do read mine.....and leave your comments..it will do me good.

Alpana Jaiswal


Mohini Puranik
Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
13 years ago

Namaste Prathibhaji,

Thank you so much for promoting my post.

Mohini Puranik
Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
13 years ago

Just saw your blog. Photos are very beautiful. I loved them. Thanks for sharing with us. Please check some font color. They are not visible.

Also the font color of the CWG post is irritating to eyes. I am a new blogger, so not giving advice, but just told what I felt.

Dr Pratibha Singh
Dr Pratibha Singh
from delhi
13 years ago

thanks alpana and i appreciate your efforts and will visit your blog soon.

Dr Pratibha Singh
Dr Pratibha Singh
from delhi
13 years ago

thanks Mohini for reviewing my blog and like the honest review.

from Kolkata
13 years ago

Beautiful blog .. u have Prtibha... I specially liked the poem Imbibed. Loved the last stanza.. also tried to comment on it ... but somehow its not allowing me to login to my wordpress account.




ps. thanks for reviewing my blog .. i know i am late ... but better late than never