Suruchi Sharma would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 25

Looking for feedback on my new blog

Suruchi Sharma
Suruchi Sharma
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Would be great to have feedback from the fellow blogger community! :)

Replies 1 to 1 of 1
from Bangalore
13 years ago

Bon soir Mademoiselle Sharma,

(Nope, I know jack about speakin in French!)

Well, since you have requested an open feedback to ur blog, n since nobody in their sanest of minds wud engage me fr sumthin like dat in any othr forum, here r my views on urs:

1. What I like bout ur blog is that its all u. Itz bout ur observations, ur thoughts, ur perspectives, things tht happened 2 u n hw u felt bout...exactly wht a personal blog is 2 b. 

2. Also u hv a gr8 way of puttin ur thoughts into very simple, readable words...ur posts hv a very high readability quotient...its definitely interesting.

3. I really can't think of anythin 2 improve on ur blog frm a content perspective; n I'll giv u very high scores on the content side.

Areas of improvement may be (1.) frequency of updates. (2.) I think the most important thing bout ur blog is that I gt this feel tht ur blog is circulated only within the network of ur friends...I feel u cud/shud build ur network; think joinin indiblogger is a gud step in dat direction. (3.) maybe u cud get a color which is a lil brighter thn blue...tho dis is a very personal comment n u mite nt agree with me on dat. 

So in the shell of a nut, high scores on content 4 u; feel u just need2focus on the network.

Well, hope dis helps. Always a pleasure criticizing others.

