September rank released. How's your position?
Friends September rank has released. What about your position?
my rank 50 --> 65
Congrats Yogesh:)
Congrats to you yogesh
i would like to share my rank too
mine is 65 (now) against 51(earlier)
moz rank is 3.9
Congrats Artiji :)
Congrats Arti! Baby steps give gradual sustainable success while huge leaps ultimately make one reach the place where one has started.
@Poojaji: Thanks :) But you can call me Arti, I am not that big
@Pramodji: Thank you so much for your support and encouragement always
@Ranjith: Thanks! But that huge leap thingy went over my head
thnx dear
@DS: Thanks a lot, you are always very encouraging :) I wish the same for your blog as well
Mine is 53 now. Moved up 5 points
@ Pramoji: Thanks Pramodji:)
@ Ranjith: Thanks a lot:)
@ Arti: Thanks again Arti:) I didn't add the 'ji' here. Blame it on Pramodji. His way of addressing others has rubbed on me too (No offence Pramodji).
@DS: Thanks a lot:)
@ Zephyr: Thanks Zephyr:)
WOW! Pramodji, aapne to sab ko peeche chod diya! Really happy for your marriage book, i really want to see it in print one day! Best wishes
That is so nice Pramodji Congrats..
congrats upasna
no change...:( still at 70
i have moved from 51 -------->>> 63 :).. But i dont have a clue on y i dont have a google page rank yet??
What is your GPR NA or 0.. If it is NA, then it means that Google hasn't arnked your pages yet. If it is 0, it means that you need to get more incoming links.
Many people dont have it... Getting a GPR depends on Google's mood :P Dont worry Bharathi, Keep blogging :)
keep on blogging u will get
Never ming! Blooging too is a mini life where we keep losing things.
I'm at 73. Last time, it has dipped to 61 because of less frequency of posting. I wonder how Alexa works. My blog is being visited more and more by people but my Alexa Rank is increasing. And backlinks, I wonder how they have decreased.
Quite a see-saw in your stats, still such a superb rank! Congrats Ranjith!!
PS: I was looking for your trademark smile .. Keep smiling
@ Arti Nowadays I am too busy to insert that trademark smile So most of teh time I am adjusting with a :-)
Did I say busy? ...... Actually I feel that I am busy even though I am not.
@ Gaurav That's true. Alexa is nothing less than a game of luck.
@ DS It is definitely a roller coaster ride. Blogging has become more or less similar to life.
Mine jumped from 62 to 66. Not such a great jump, but apparently my mozRank is decent- 3.92. It was 1.57 last month.
But I still don't have a Google pagerank. Why is that? What do I have to do? I've been trying to figure it out, but the technology-dunce that I am, I'm not able to fix it. Can someone please explain it to me in simple layman terms? :(
Hey Divya, 62 to 66 is quite a jump, Congrats :)
About GPR, Just keep blogging, fill up your blog with some unique content and (genuine) comment on good sites! I am no techie but this is what I did to get my GPR of 2 :)
Hmm.. I'll try that. Thanks! :)
Congarts Divya and Zephyr
And what Arti said is the best foolproof way to increase GPR in a genuine way. And that is how, I have done it too....
@ Ranjith: Thank you!!! , my GPR is 0 , i guess i need to work on incoming links :)
@ arti: Thanks for reply, i will wait for google to be in good mood :)
Place genuien comments on other blogs and it serves a double purpose: incre4asing abcklinks and developing good relations with other bloggers too....
I am new to indiblogger.can someone tell me how to find out these ranks?
First u go to ur dashboard (click the button on top right hand side just below the Dove Ad). Then on your dashboard on the right hand side you click the third button which says Indi Rank Stats. If you have been ranked it will show there.
To get the badge you click on the Add ons button on the top right hand side just below the sign out button.
Then below on the right side you will see your rank displayed. Above the rank there is a small arrow next to the Widgets button. Click that and get the desired code and place it on your blog... yipeeee you are done :) :) :)
Congrats your rank is 53. It must be your first rank, I suppose.
Congrats to all of you who jumped...and all of you who bumped if u believe in it...better luck next time.....SuKupedia just got her first ever Indi Rank... and it is 65 :) :) :) I am soo happy when I see that badge on my page now yayayayayya
Congrats Sunita
Congrats! Everyone you see teh badge, you will remmeber what you have achieved and what you need to achieve. happy Blogging! :-)
My first ever Indirank for the current blog. 58. Not bad for starters I guess :)
I love your blog Purnendu, its a treat for people like me who love travelling. I am sure the rank will get better with time, best wishes
It's a good rank! Keep blogging and it will rise automatically.
Happy blogging!
@Ranjith Not one, but many! That is one of the reasons I so love these IndiRanks
Maybe you should start writing about hockey instead of cricket in keeping with the ascending fortunes of the former :)
Not your fault It is the way our World champions have performed lately
Hey DS, I am sure, its just a matter of days till you reach the mountain peak Enjoy your trek :)
Seeing the too good.......!
@DS.......hmm......kya kar sakten hain......nowadays I don't think about ranking and all these much will we stress ourselves?
Best policy is if it's rises, celebrate if it's down.....take it as oh I write for fun only.....
Never mind. Keep blogging and it will take care of itself. Take inspiration from the players of your favourite game and continue blogging. All the best!
I think that, you need to start by analysing which part of your rank has started falling and try to improve in that area.
thx DS...:)
Hey all! im happy to know about indirank...checked it now and its 53 :) yippie! my first indirank :)
shit markets ke tarah yaha par bhi dob gaya mai to....:(
improved on all parameters expect the rank..
moz rank increased from 2.23 to 2.92
alexa rank improved from 2.83M to 760k
the only dip is in the indi rank...62->55..:(
lol, May be the frequency of posting posed a problem then.. dont worry, keep blogging and the rank will rise too :)
May be the two secret parameters have played teh spoiltsport. never mind. Blogging is much more than ranks. :-)
My rank is 58 .
hope that it will cross 70 in next update.
Improved from 64 - 71
great :)
Thanks @DS , Arti and Santhosh