Unable to submit entries in Indiblogger
Since Yesterday I am not able to submit my blog posts.
I tried sumbitting
I raised the ticket but so far no help from the technical team. Any help by fellow indibloggers would be appreciated.
What does it say when you try to submit?
Princess is doing technical support! Wow! I am surprised at the princess' versatility.
Hehehehe. Trying to be useful
Thanks DS for pointing it out. Wondering Why didn't I think of this .
The error list from the FAQ is as follows. But Unable to locate is not in error list.
- Pelendur, Faramir: The title of your post is too short. Note that IndiVine strips tags and swear words from your submission.
- Gandalf, Ragnir: The description is too short. Note that IndiVine strips tags and swear words from your submission.
- Legolas: Your post title appears to be a URL.
- Mithrellas: Your post URL is invalid.
- Ae*****r, Boromir, Caranthir, Denethor, Eowyn, Hador, Jaybird, Khim, Isildur: Missing basic information in your form submission. Solution - Sign out, sign in and try again.
I am also getting an error "Sorry, we were unable to locate your post. Are you sure you gave us the right url?", the URL is correct, i have triple checked.
I believe when Indi has maintainence this problem arises, many a times i found that i could post the link after a gap of few hours, be patient, otherwise send message to technical team.
Oh..hope they get done with their maintenance soon, have been trying to post a link since last night :)
Has anybody managed to post to Indivine between the time this forum topic was created and now ? Or is it only a problem with a few people.
Checked on the forum of Incredible Stories. Antarik Anwesan submitted after the discussion started
I tried it again and still get the message.
OopsSorry, we were unable to locate your post. Are you sure you gave us the right url?
If you are hosted on wordpress, try deactivating the bullet proof mode in Bullet proof security plugin for wordpress had done with .htaccess file
I need to submit an entry to the Time to Change contest and still i am getting the same freakin error :( and my ticket is still in Open status with "No Progress"
Try raising a ticket. What Renin said was:
If there is no resolution by tomorrow, call me at +91 44 45018949 and I'll get it entered manually.
I intend to do that.
This is the update I got from technical team. Tried contacting my webhost but still unable to submit.
Looks like your server is not responding with the correct header code. A good status response is HTTP 200 Ok. Unfortunately, your server is giving a HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error.
You can verify the same here:
This normally points to a miconfiguration on the host. If you write to them, they should be able to fix it for you.
Even i had the same problem for the blog which is on wordpress. I empetied the htaccess file for a while for doing submission and reverted to old settings after doing post submission. This is not an indiblogger error but your settings actually. If anybody needs some specific help regarding this, i am here to help :)
Thanks a lot Ankit.
Tried it but failed. Infact when I emptied my .htpaccess I was not able to see http://www.bemoneyaware.com/blog/housewife/
In my wordpress I have set Wordpress Permalinks to /%postname%/
I also tried the short link. It still failed.
Finally successful in submission.
I had installed some plugins in wordpress. When I deactivated and deleted them submission worked.
Num of plugins in wordpress now are 10.
Thanks to everyone! Indiblogger rocks!
I emptied htaccess codes means i kept the default code in it and removed all other codes in it. Neways congrats that you finally submitted your entry. Best of luck!!
i m using blogspot.i m getting the same error.Any idea?htaccess means..
Since last 2 days I have been trying to submit my post for the TRESemme' Ram-Ready contest. But I keep getting this error.
There was a problem with your submission. Error code: Pelendur
Please help sort this out. Much thanks.
I tried so many now but I'm gettign this error every time.
Sorry, I was unable to locate your post. Are you sure you gave me the right url?
Here are the URL's that I have tried:-
- http://www.nextweblink.com/2015/02/18/google-style-jquery-chat-drupal/
- http://www.nextweblink.com/2015/02/11/social-share-counter-drupal/
- http://www.nextweblink.com/2015/03/11/google-services-you-never-knew-existed/
- http://www.nextweblink.com/2014/07/29/internet-marketing-mistakes/
Last time I submitted the post http://www.nextweblink.com/2014/12/10/linkedin-profile-features/ which was successful.
Is there anything worng with my URL's or indiblogger has change any policy or something else?
Any help?