'Forum Search' function

Adarsh Rao
Adarsh Rao
from Minnesota
15 years ago

Is there a way we could search for topics discussed on the forum? For example, if I have a query related to 'scrapbook widget', when I typed 'Scrapbook widget' in the 'Search' field, it does not yield the relevant result. It lists the blogs with 'Scrapbook' tag.

It would be helpful if we could search the forum based on topics. If the query has been answered previously, we can get the information we need. We can also prevent duplicate posts related to the same query.

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Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
15 years ago

Hey Adarsh, we've taken the forum search down - it needs to be fixed, it was taking too long. Will update this thread once it's back up so we can test it. Cool? Smile

Adarsh Rao
Adarsh Rao
from Minnesota
15 years ago

Yes! Cool! Smile

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