Surf Excel Matic #SoakNoMore Contest

from Mumbai
11 years ago

The latest contest offering I Pads and other prizes is up for grabs now, a day after what I hear was a fabulous meet in Bangalore!

Here is the latest Surf  Excel Matic #SoakNoMore Contest -

Discuss the contest here and let's soak ourselves in all the fun! :)

Edited 11 years ago
Reason: Link
Replies 21 to 40 of 127 Ascending
Saurabh Chawla
Saurabh Chawla
from New Delhi
11 years ago

congrats to al winners :)

Saru Singhal
Saru Singhal
from Toronto
11 years ago

@C. Suresh- I got your point Sir... 'Neither Polite nor neccessary' is the gist of your thoughts :)

C. Suresh
from Bangalore
11 years ago

Now how did u understand the deep inner meaning of my words? :) :) So u hv also understood that my complaint is not abt the choice of winners but abt the way the letter communicated it ?? :):)

Saru Singhal
Saru Singhal
from Toronto
11 years ago

Congrats to all the winners. :)

@C. Suresh: I understand your point Sir. In my opinion, nobody can decide what is quality in any form of Art. It is relative and subjective. How many of us can put value to Van Gogh or categorise wine by tasting it? But still there are many who find such form of art very mediocre...

Also for everyone who participates in any blogging contest: if you win, think you are good and if you loose, think others were better this time. We started blogging for our passion for writing and contests et al followed. Don't let such things dampen this beautiful spirit.



C. Suresh
from Bangalore
11 years ago

Do not know if you quite got my point Saru :) My point is that the winners were brilliant so just say that. It is neither polite nor necessary to also say that the others were average - which is what their letter amounted to saying. Further, even if u found the rest average it requires a certain assumption that your judgment is infallible to say so - that is what I call arrogance. If u had some humility, you would at least say that this was your opinion. The entire tone of the letter was something like a school teacher to his students sort of judgmental tone and did not seem adult to adult.

In the entire set of msg.s I am accepting the fact that the winners are indeed brilliant.

Anoop Mathai Mathew
Anoop Mathai Mathew
from Mumbai
11 years ago

Well it's freedom of expression folks!!! The real challenge people is to beat you own self! You know you are the winner, but are you the 100% winner? Why not beat your own records? Anyways we've all got to admit that thanks to indiBlogger and the interesting contests that are held here, each of us were able to do one step more thinking that we used to before. Am I right? Atleast it works in my case. So cheer up and live life - write, write and write!!!Cool 

P.S.: Congratulations to all the winners and to those who won even without a prize (includes myself) Innocent.

C. Suresh
from Bangalore
11 years ago

Let us get one thing straight here! I am NOT complaining about not winning! All I am saying is that a sponsor should have more politeness than to make odious comparisons! It irritates me to keep reading messages that assume that I am upset about not winning. As I have said earlier I have participated in enough contests without winning and never once felt the need to complain or stop competing - so what is with all this 'compete with yourself' and all that sort of advice?

The worrisome part about this mis-construction of my comment is that my good friends who have won this time may feel that I am not happy for them. It pleases me greatly to see them in that list and I also know that their wins were worthy wins.

from Mumbai
11 years ago

i totally agree with Suresh.They could have been a bit more polite !!!Here winning a blackberry playbook also seems to be like an insult as they too are not in the league of the ipad winners ...Frown



C. Suresh
C. Suresh
from Bangalore
11 years ago

Congratulations to all the winners and I have no doubt that they were well-deserved wins! The rest that I have to say is no aspersion on the quality or merits of the winners.

I am surprised by the phrasing of the letter, however! Phrases like '...not in the same league..' and'...stood out from the rest..' seems like gratuitous belittling of the other entries which was totally unnecessary here. I am used to tempering my judgments with ' our opinion..' and '..based on our yardsticks..'.

Clearly politeness seems to be a luxury that is dispensed with in today's world. All the more surprising to see marketing people, presumably, so little interested in winning friends and so arrogant about their own judgment of the difference in quality.

Uma Maheswari Anandane
from Karaikal
11 years ago

Congrats to all winners ! esp. to known friends Solitary Writer, Ranjith, Nabanita Dhar, Avalok Smile ---Your happiest New Year Gift from Indiblogger & Surf teanm

@CS - agree but we all knew that we had put in our best efforts and I am really proud & happy of my post though  I didn't win.

@Chitra - keep calm and keep writing know u did ur best !

C. Suresh
from Bangalore
11 years ago

I have participated in a lot of contests this year and - bar a consolation win in Lakme - have won nothing. I have never been upset about not winning yet. The issue here is not about not winning but someone having the arrogance to tell a whole bunch of people that they are leagues behind. It takes a monumental ego to say that - having gone though 300+ entries of a eclectic mix of poems, essays - humorous and serious, stories of various genres - they have unerringly identified the difference in quality between them to the extent that they can tell the world that the entries other than those they selected were markedly inferior to the ones they did.

Uma Maheswari Anandane
from Karaikal
11 years ago

@C.S I can understand and even my entry was one along with urs...but i wanted to say something positive to cheer u up

Also , it is my way of understanding things that whatever plp say , i know i have done my best and so r the a part of indi family lets celebrate the winning of our friends and let no doors open to any hard feelings frm outside to enter this new year ...just 2 more days 

Ekta Khetan
from Mumbai
11 years ago

I fully agree with you...After months of completion of contest you declare winners and have audacity to say rest were not in the league? What the bullshit is this? While I do not intend to hurt those who have won, infact the top prize went to my very good blog friend but seriously doubts judges ability. People who wrote multiple posts with sincerity and creativity, yet still didnt see their name are anyways sad & doubtful. Writing such things makes them further demotivated and de attached. 

What league are we talking about? They asked us to be most creative and I have seen few other creative (say highly creative posts) which are not even figured here. Leave alone my entries as I am seriously demotivated on my blogging skills for Indi contests. But the choice of words that has been used here is not appreciated. 

Renie, pl communicate these to Surf excel and team. tell them only their ads are good and only if they use same choice of words in their communication to bloggers what they do in their ads, it could help boost their image which is not severely being tarnished in this fraternity.

Stephen...I am so very happy for you. remember I told you once that you came first? see :)

Well said Ekta, I had created a thread when a similar type comment had been passed when they announced real beauty contest results. It is great to have contests and participate and win or lose, but added words of hurt are unwarranted and should be worded properly.

conogo's all winniers.

read conogo's as congo's

from Mumbai
11 years ago



all the other winners congratulations :)


from hyderabad
11 years ago

My heart skipped a beat! Smile 

sambhalo bhai. congo's

Farida Rizwan
from Bangalore
11 years ago

Hey congrats

from Mahanad
11 years ago

congrats :) New Ipad haan Tongue out

from hyderabad
11 years ago

@PL It was just a single beat that was skipped. After that, everything was normal.. Smile @Farida @Kajal Thanks Smile

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
11 years ago

Winners announced - thank you all for your patience!

We have a special message from Team Surf Excel:


Dear IndiBlogger,

We are overwhelmed by the tremendous response to the ‘Soak No More Contest’ and picking out the winners from the lot has been a challenging task. The entries were hilarious, thought-provoking, whacky or all of afore stated. Two entries were truly outstanding while the others weren’t quite in the same league. Hence only 2 iPads are being awarded besides 3 Playbooks and 10 Surprise Gifts …. and the winners are:

  • The Solitary Writer (iPad)
  • Ranjith (iPad)
  • Rachna Parmar (Playbook)
  • Anju Sabu (Playbook)
  • Nabanita Dhar (Playbook)
  • Avalok (Surprise Gift)
  • Urmika Agarwal (Surprise Gift)
  • Ayushi Bhatia (Surprise Gift)
  • Anjali Garg (Surprise Gift)
  • Karthick S (Surprise Gift)
  • Ashreya (Surprise Gift)
  • Nachiketa Anand (Surprise Gift)
  • Ruchi Sinha (Surprise Gift)
  • The Young Bigmouth (Surprise Gift)
  • Somya Singh (Surprise Gift)

Congratulations winners, your effort stood out from the rest! Now, celebrate freedom from soaking, enjoy your reward and of course, keep blogging!!

Best wishes,

Surf Excel Matic Team


from Mumbai
11 years ago

yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i hope am der in the winners list... fingers crossed!!!!

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
11 years ago

Results will be announced tonight!

Urmika Agarwal
Urmika Agarwal
from Mumbai
11 years ago

Weren't we told the results would be out in a week? Pretty sure that's up too.. Frown

from Mumbai
11 years ago

renieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeee where are u * am patient...rather am going to be apatient now of high bp*WinkTongue out

from Mumbai
11 years ago

@tsw : sab aapke shiksha ka parinam hai ..phew!!Cool

patience is on a holiday and will meet in new year only now

Saurabh Chawla
Saurabh Chawla
from New Delhi
11 years ago

one thing for sure ....................patience is a virtue :) Tongue outLaughing

from Mumbai
11 years ago

4 months over.....5th month is about to begin......even if I dont win nething, one thing that i am going to gain is bag full of patience and the way to be calm throughout.Cool

from Raleigh
11 years ago

You have mastered it Chitra. Congratulations. Proud of you!!!

from Raleigh
11 years ago

Hmm!! Waiting!!

TF Carthick
from Bangalore
11 years ago

Have patience.

Saurabh Chawla
Saurabh Chawla
from New Delhi
11 years ago

merry christmas to all indibloggers :)

merry xmas saurabh

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