Trending topics...really?

Saurav Biswas
Saurav Biswas
from Hyderabad
11 years ago

Hi, I'm quite new to IndiBlogger and I still have a few doubts on the way it works. For instance, what do the 'Trending Topics' on IndiVine really represent? Two of the recent topics haven't got a single post under them, while one of them has only four posts. So, what does IndiBlogger exactly mean by 'trending topics'?

(Considering that on Twitter, trending topics reflect the topics which people are tweeting about the most, at a given point of time)

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from Mumbai
11 years ago
I think Trending topics are more a way to encourage bloggers to blog about a particular topic since that is something that is hot or in the news. But I agree, unless some more exposure is given to it.. The feature remains largely hidden and most people generally fail to realise that there is something like that also that they can use. Defeats the very purpose, sadly.
Saurav Biswas
from Hyderabad
11 years ago

Hmmm.... that's true. Thanks :)

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