The Sunsilk "Perfect Straight Hair" Contest
New contest folks - it's time to get whacky!
crazy topic , is this eligible for both male and female ha?
My question exactly! :p
It needs to be open to all. The organisers want to have as many entries as possible. It doesn't matter if it is from a male or a female blogger.
For participation, all contests are always open to all. Eligibility usually comes into play only for the prizes.
one winner from male can be found in lady product contest as a rare happening, at times.
... But this contest has only one winner ( as far as we are concerned of only cash ) Let's see if a male blogger can win the prize!
why girls should have all the fun, we guys can also have straight hair, hai na?
^^ YES!!!!!1
I mean, comeon! The only contest that men have is that silly gillete shave or crave contest.
the page is taking its sweet (making me diabetic!) time to load... after that a pink lady with plastic smile & locks pops in! No rules... no guidelines... may be we should wait for Renie's clarification
I wish that the contest had more prizes... Atleast five 5k prizes instead of one 25k prize. But, those four tips are sufficient to force someone dive deep into crazy thinking and participate.
I checked up with my wife and she does not like sunsilk. So the hampers will be useless for me. So I am going to skip this contest. Or maybe I should check if the maid servant likes Sunsilk?
LOL! Why don't 'you' give it a try?
I like sunsilk,Fool, and I can live telecast rejuvenating my hair with sunsilk in the morning,
What about those who have straight silky hair and want it to curl? sigh.
Another HUL contest. I am gonna pass. After the pathetic treatment they gave us in the SoakNoMore contest, they deserve to be boycotted by bloggers
Well - It is the fault of some small time exexutive reporting to the brand manager of surf excel. What is the fault at the company level. The CEO of HUL in all probability does not even know about this contest. Maybe Sunsilk has a better brand manager. Why make him/her suffer? And you anyways are probably not eligible anyways.
Yeah, you are right. But even otherwise, I do not want to write on this topic.
And, umm, why am I not eligible?
wow! That's just plain sucks.
Same here... still waiting for the Lakme hamper..... pass from me.....
@Radha - I think terms and conditions says HUL and Indiblogger employees and their families are not supposed to take part.
I am in, somebody add W before my in
samalke rakhiyega
thanks doc. tonns.
Ranjith it is now WIN,thanks to doc.
I hope we will have TIMED RESULTS & PRIZES unlike SONY, SURG EXCEL and others ;-(
ha!!But on the bright side, how many people haven't received their winnings? It might be late- or worse the courier company stole it, but in some way or the other people got them na!!!
Rightly said! I have got all my prizes and the bean bag too even though I've informed IB a month after everyone received theirs. Gift hampers- I would have got them if I've opened a support ticket.
And waiting isn't always disappointing. If you win, you would be the happiest person. If you don't, you will wait for the next contest or stop participating in contests all together, giving you more time for your blog and your life.
@ranjith,ds: everybody is as blessed as you guys. Despite opening a ticket, I never got the castrol tee.
Many a bloggers easily get disillusioned and never pursue the matter thereafter.
@DS Empty package! Imagine what would have been the expression on the winner's face if he receives an empty package instead of an i pad!
(But, that would probably not occur
@Avadhoot I got two T shirts for castrol! And coming to the ticket, why don't you close it yourself?
@ranjith: done.
I myself had forgotten about that- a way back in september. You guys discussing this matter made me check my email a/c to trace the mail carrying the link for that ticket.
After my 16gb PD crashed recently I'm left with a poor 4gb one and feeling helpless whenever the file size is nearing or exceeding 4gb... any new contest offering free PDs?
I though only computers and hard drives crash? Do pen drives also crash?
The flash NAND can degrade, especially the much older cheaper MLC types.
Are the posts active, I have submitted one but can't figure out where it has landed. Though it was supposed to live immediately.
Are the posts active? I have submitted one but can't figure out where it has landed. Though it was supposed to go live immediately.
The entries, generally, aren't displayed right from the contest start date. They will be displayed soon. But Renie needs to define what soon is!
where is the link to sunsilk?
Renie knows it! :-)
The rules will probably be put up in a few days....
Great to see such contests coming up .. which are particularly useful to new bloggers... however is there a way to submit an entry without hosting in on your own blog? You know, bloggers other than personal bloggers may not find it easy to post about unrelated topics on their blogs (like me)...
Sme story here..I mean, people asks when you are a poet and still post about fashion and all!!
I have posted my blog but not able to see it
There is no particular link to be included!! What would make it a valid or an invalid entry, I wonder. Time for Renie to clarify!
I think that Renie is on a vacation! Anyway, one can always submit their post now and edit it later to include the link.
Imagine what will happen to the sales of Sunsilk if our crazy experiment works!
If you have submitted an entry - please update your address!
If this is like Lakme I need to check with Chitragupt whether he has booked me lodgings in Heaven or Hell :) If the unlikely happens and delivery i before Jan 3 I need to give my temporary address in Chennai. Else the currently registered address should do :)
When is last day for submission?
I am facing a problem while submitting my entry for this contest. I posted a blog post on the general category, and afterwards when i found this contest is open, i wanted to submit the same post for the contest. However as the same post cant be posted twice on IB, i cant do so. Also i cant find a delete option, so that i can delete that post and re-enter the same post in the contest entry category instead of general. Can anyone help me out with this? I have already sent a message to the IB team, and awaiting their reply. Still if any members can help me out, that would be nice of you.
just change your title atleast by a charecter and re-submit it. add a word,blank spcace etc.
for example: if your topic is-" tips to make hair straight" can be changed as "a few tips to make hair straight".
even if you increase the space between any two words, this shall work.I
n short, the new topic name should differ by the old name atleast by a charecter.