Which is the worst book you have read and why ??No course books please !!!
All of us want to talk about and tell others about the great books we have read.But once in a while you come across a book after reading which you get a lost feeling not only in your mind but also in your wallet.
So folks tell us a about a book jise padhane ke baad aisa laga ho ki kaash hum anpadh he hote.
THE THREE MISTAKES OF MY LIFE...after reading i realised the three mistakes of my life...i purchased the book, i read the book and i did not burn the book!!!
Have you read Mixology by Mainak Dhar ? You know what is the best thing about the book is
Its PRICE Rs 99 only !!!
I am not sure what IIM's and IITs have to do with writing.Just because one guy(Chetan Bhagat) was successfull suddenly everyone seems to have realized their "potential".
Please the IIT books is also crappy...i mean yaar...kuch bhi ok...so we did worst things in my engineering life...but doesn't mean that is gonna be a best seller?? his books are bestseller just because woh raste kaa maal saste mein hota hai that all :P
the worst I feel
One night@the call centre- Chetan Bhagat is the God of Crap writing!
In literary terms it comes under the category of magic realism
I found no magic and ofcourse no realism! Boring! Waste of time!
Seems u like him??
I am not a five point someone who can spend one night@the call centre to commit three mistakes of my life(Reading chetan bhagat's books, wasting my time on even thinking about them, and discussing his books)
He he Anukriti.. Good one :) Writer??
I really think hw the hell he became so famous in India. Five points someone was kind of ok book but see he has three bestselling books in his name and shame on me that even I have read them.
No Offence..I hate Shobha De also. Sorry for getting diverted from the topic but I feel we did injustice to a talented person like Kunal Basu. Please read his 'Japanese Wife'. Marvellous collection and touching and sensuous stories..amazing..
I support your stance..i purchased the book cos my friends said it was really interesting...I am still looking for options to kill that friend!!!
he got popular just because his books are cheap. No cheapo indian reader will go and but LOTR collector edition for Rs. 1999 (I bought)
sorry but-> buy
I honestly feel that Five Point someone was a hugely entertaining novel.
Its just that Chetan started writing on a set formula which was perhaps forced on him by the publishers so the other two turned out to be "successfull" but still not exactly literary masterpieces.I would have loved to see him write for himself and not for an "audience" especially after making all the money in FPS.
Pankaj - aap ne mere munh kee baat chheen lee.After reading Shoba de's column's I am afraid of touching here sleazy books.Gandagi se jitna door raho utna hi achchaa.The word "cr*p" was invented to describe her writing.Nothing else would fit.
But folks pls read " mixology" and you will find everything else look like Kafka.
I got so scared if someone found it my posession that I gave it away to an unsuspecting co worker in the office.
'Who moved my cheese' - Spencer Johnson. A friend suggested this book, and I loaned it from the library.
After reading the book, I tend to associate it with 'clueless managers'. This book was a bit boring and an over-rated book in my opinion.
I agree with you.I was fortunate to have turned a few pages at the bookstall to find out there was nothing new being said or suggested.
Actually a lot of the so called self Help and Management books are pure "repitition of the idea" as we used to say when we played Jam(Just a Minute) in our College days.
Anyone who behaves like Bhagwan Ram will become God and if you are God then only you can behave like Bhagwan Ram.You know what I mean......repitition of idea
I am not a chetan bhagat fan, but have read all three of his books, found the first two ok-ok and the last one too cliched.
But that's probably not the worst book I have read, there is one which I havent even managed to finish yet. It's a collection of short stories called The Japanese Wife by Kunal Basu. I didn't really connect with the stories and didnt feel compelled to finish the book after reading 2 of the short stories!
Oh...this thread seems to move on from "Worst Book Read" to Chetan Bhagat Love/Hate Club". Back to the question of subject...I would say it is "Monk Who Sold the Ferrari". Not sure if i picked up this book at the wrong age or expected a bit too much out of it..." but the book for sure didnt interest me a bit".
i m waiting to here from people who love the book and get their opinions!
Even I didn't like - "Monk Who Sold the Ferrari". But I know many who have loved that book. I was always wondering - why?
I also feel - Paulo Coelho is overrated writer.
Also could not digest - Hemmingway's - Sun also rises. I guess it is overrated.
Thanks to all of you for keeping the thread alive and sharing your deep secret.It is always easy to tell which is the best book you've read but to say that I have been reading trash and not being able to understand a supposed classic takes guts.Kudos !!
With the strength you have given me I will share some secrets too.
1.Monk who sold is Pappa telling you - be a good boy or else ...Half read then lost interest.Sages of Shivana bored me to death.
2.Read Alchemist and you have read all books by Paulo Coelho although I like "Like the Flowing river" which is a collection of short stories a lot.Hope that Winner takes it all is different.
3.It was a challenge to read "Old man and the sea" but I am glad I accomplished it.I am not going to say anything more lest you understand my limited literary capacity
Have great Day !!
Sorry I gues the book is The Winner stands alone
I will probably be flogged if I mention Paulo Coelho's books, coz everyone just seems to love them. But it's too abstract and philosophical for me. I read The Zahir, Veronica decides to Die and one/two more and couldn't make much sense of it..But his short stories collection Like the Flowing Rivers was good, philosophy in small doses is tolerable :-)