How many Feed Subscribers do you have?
Hey Bloggers,
I want to how many feed subscribers do u have for ur blog on an average basis?? I have around 100 subscribers for mine.......Tell me yours.........
wow....that's pretty many hits do u receive daily?? around 5k I guess......ryt???
No.. its too less that I feel ashamed to say the number after 6 yrs of blogging!
Ooopsy....that's not cool.....btw 6 years of blogging.....?? OMG.....That's bloody cool......what's ur PR??
PR was 3 for 3 years and dropped to 2 for the next 3 years :D
I see....that's cool too.......u must have loads of backlink to ur site right?? what's ur blog's niche btw??
How do you find that out?
Do u have any email subscription box in your blog??? If yes, then which site it refers to?? Is it feedburner......???
yes its feedburner!!how do you figure out the number?
Pretty easy......just log in to ur feedburner account (create if u don't have any).....nd check it by urself.....
feedburner? whaa? Someone please explain, I would like to know mine too.
@stagg Mann. Just go sign in with your blog's mail id and password.....Create a feed if u don't have any....then burn.....if u already have a feed address then go to "My Feed" after signing in....You will b able to see ur subsriber number.....
Aditya, I signed into feedburner. There's RSS feed and Atom feed. Which 1 is better n why?
Go for RSS 2.0.......that's most of the modern webmasters prefer to use......
Happy to help u.......Happy Blogging.....
Four years of blogging, and I am not very proud to tell the number of subscribers I have. I was blogging on and off for the past one year and didn't care much. And Just today I deleted the FB page of my blog and removed all the FB links from my blog. I felt its not fair to have it linked to FB as I am not active there aswell :)
How many likes did u have on that fb page of urs?? U shouldn't delete fact Facebook is one of the most profitable traffic source for any blog now a days.....
How many likes did u have on that fb page of urs?? U shouldn't delete fact Facebook is one of the most profitable traffic source for any blog now a days.....
41, when I deleted. Many left the page when I was inactive. Also people who liked my page are mostly members of Indiblogger, so it didn't make any sense for me to mailtain another page for the same set of people.
Then its k....actually I've page of more than 10k followers.....and I receive 25% of my overall traffic from fb only.....its doing great work for me....
Wow. All of this is making me feel so inadequate it's not even funny. I've been working hard at my travel blog for 2 years, and the PR is still 2, the subscribers are all of 12, and people only like photos on FB, very few link clicks so hardly any traffic from the 1100 Fans.
Aditya, how do you lead traffic from your FB page to the blog? Any tips and ideas? For every link I post on FB, there 2 or max 3 link clicks it gets.
Do u update ur fb page regularly?? or u just post ur links only to that fb page of urs....??? I wud suggest u to post regularly on taht interesting questions.....ask their feed backs.....first u need to engage ur page....If u just post links u'll never get adequate number of u have a travel blog.....will check it.....I need a travel blog.....
I have touched the 500 mark on subscriobers list......Clap Clap Clap..... 
I don't have single follower or subscriber (at least not a single one that I am aware of
Check your feedeburner account by signing into it with your google ids to check the number of followers of your blog......
Aditya, I checked. I have zero subscribers 

I think I will cherish the day when I earn even Rs. 100 from my useless blogging....
Beti sabar kaaro...sabar ka faal humesha meetha hota hain.... :-P
BTW, how is "sabar"? 
Patience my dear friend Patience......
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