IB of the Month Aug 2009 - Category Selection
Hey guys, last time the discussion for holding of subsequent IB of the Month for the month of May started as soon as that for April got over.
Just half a month left and we'v not started discussing the topic for the month of June!
Till it officially gets started, I thought of generating sum debate on the next month's topic.
And the contest is back! Let's decide on a category for August 2009 - yes, we have decided to skip June and July in order to catch up!
Reason: Update
How about best environment blog, best economy/money blog. Or may be best recession blog (I mean a blog that best covered recession) , Gaad I'm loosing focus... OK best environment blog I vote.
Good thing Vipul.
Ok, lets start with a Big Congrats to the owner of the most humors Blog on IndiBlogger. Congrats Reema.
Poetry & Literature sounds good.
Y not general blog .. some times we get lot more stuffs from there ?? ... y not give importance to layout and theme used... one more idea ... how about selecting a blogger whose template matches with the theme of the blog ... this would quantify a blogger .. wat say???
General issues sounds good to me... that'll include write ups on the decade after Kargil... hopefully!
I'll change my topic, will go with Parv and Hemal.
Original Literature (self composed poems and self written short stories)
Process will start in a week - waiting for the go-ahead from our sponsors!
yup waiting 4 it:)
Yes! Congrats Reema... on a well deserved win!
How about: History/Mythology/Environmental issues/Sports/General... ???
General issues/topics... that'll include write ups on the decade after Kargil... hopefully! What say... ?!!
Even friendship... considering that "Friendship Day" is just around the corner...
My vote is for
Original Literature (self composed poems and self written short stories).
Discussion is building up just fine
Still no sign of the contest...
no contest nd no indirank :(
Hello! Hello! Anybody there... ?????
errr .. IndiRank will be updated soon, give us some time .. major revamps, upgrades going on for IndiVine etc .. Renie has been up 24 hrs for the last one week and the last time I called him he didnt remember his name.. He thought he was Optimus Prime from transformers and i recall him calling me Bumble bee :) ..
But knowing Renie .. he will rise up from the dead soon and with a bang :)
In the meanwhile listen to Placebo - For what its worth http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-5cyvOdj6o
Ha ha ha ha ha ha! :D
Poetry sounds good to me... although it means I won't be able to participate. I can't express myself in such limited words! :p Also, it's very rare that I'm truly able to understand the essence of any poem! Sighhh! But anyways, I'll probably never get to know when the contest starts... I'm so erratic in my visits to indiblogger!
Nevertheless, it will give an opportunity to our budding poets to get to know each other and get some recognition and appreciation from like-minded people. For instance, Parv up there... I feel so guilty at not being able to leave any comments on his poems, even though I read each one of his posts in my Google Reader! :( I'm just not cut out for poetry u see!
We could have original fiction next month perhaps... because fiction writing is also a very specialized area of writing -- one that I really admire a lot 'coz again, it's something that it is still Greek to me! But I really respect bloggers who can write a convincing piece of fiction and carry it through with grace! Perhaps if this topic is chosen, I might at least be able to participate in the voting... but please don't expect me to choose one poem over the other! That's a foreign language to me which I don't understand!
Still vote for these 2 topics -- in 2 different months though.
lol.. so is renie busy wrking on indivine or watching transformers 2 over n over again
Transformers - only twice. IndiVine is coming out super - better than anything else we've done. (Fingers crossed!)
The IndiBlogger of the Month contest will be back in a week, we're making some tweaks to it.
In the meantime though, IndiRank has been updated, and we have IndiRank widgets! Will put up a sticky post for everyone's feedback and abuses!
OMG, wat a time to log in.. my heart beat has gone up.. IndiRank updated.. though rite now, mine is same..
is it tht um stck thr as i wer earlier
or u still hav 2 update the rank officially on indiblogger
.. my heart beat has shooted up.. wat kind of widget will it b.. where will i display it
.. um blabbering now.. wat has gone 2 my head?
Mayb i shud go nd watch Transformers
Hey 76, a jump of 7 and 72 for my new blog.. now thts gr8
Mine is at 80 now!!! Wow!!! Thats what is called... a great beginning to a whole new week
Y not technology???