Word Up 2015 - Bloggers meet in Bangalore

from Bangalore
9 years ago

Word Up 2015 - Bloggers meet in Bangalore, on 19th July.

Its an invite only meet, request for an invite here https://www.indiblogger.in/bloggermeet.php?id=297

Edited 9 years ago
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this is so near to my house,, but alas cant make it with my 9 month old..Cry

Priyanjana Roy
Priyanjana Roy
from Bangalore
9 years ago

so who is coming !

Ankit Agarwal
Ankit Agarwal
from Bangalore
9 years ago

I wanna attend this!!!


Jayanth Majety
Jayanth Majety
from Chennai
9 years ago

I'm in ! 

Md Ibrahim
Md Ibrahim
from Durgapur
9 years ago

I will attend surely....

I sooo wish my trip was not cancelled ..I would have been in India and would be able to meet you wonderful bloggers :( :(

from Chennai
9 years ago

Hey ananya!!! Let me know whenyou come to Bangalore. We will plan a fashion/ bloggers get together. I am in touch with a bunch of bangalore bloggers 

Debolina Coomar
Debolina Coomar
from Bangalore
9 years ago

I will be attending.

i am bit exited for this World up meet @ Bangalore..Surprised

The Sorcerer
from Mumbai
9 years ago

So excited that you forgot to use the letter C to express your excitement! :D

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