Everything You want to know about publishing your book

Anjali Sengar
Anjali Sengar
from Gurgaon
9 years ago

Hello friends!

Recently I have completed a project of ten school books. 5 are Text books & 5 are work books. Once my publisher said that I am very lucky that 6-7 publishers are ready to publish my books otherwise we usually reject 95-98% of the manuscripts. So it means max manuscript rejected. Although I had choice of 6-7 publishers still lots of questions were there in mind regarding publishing my books but there was no one to help me out.

Know I have experience so I decided to help my indibloggers friends who want to publish their book. If you have any kind of query about process, royality etc. Please do write me, I would love give answers :)





Replies 1 to 5 of 5 Descending
from India
9 years ago

Great, hopefully, your experience will be helpful to a lot of people who are thinking to write and get published.

Anjali Sengar
from Gurgaon
9 years ago

I also hope so :) 

The Sorcerer
The Sorcerer
from Mumbai
9 years ago

How much royalty does it carry, anyways? What legal safeguards do you need to take as an author from your end? Do you also get profits from books if the publisher gives publishing rights to another publisher in another country? 

Anjali Sengar
from Gurgaon
9 years ago

In our country if you are a fresher then you will get royality b/w 5-9%. Only well established authors like Chetan Bhagat gets two digit royality i.e 10%- above. Apart from royality publisher also offers you one time payment or half-half payment. In one time payment he will fix certain amount say 25,000 for your book & will buy it from you. In this case he can do any thing with your book like gives publishing rights to another publisher in this case author can't do much as he has sold his book. But in case of royality publisher has take to your take permission. In second case i.e half-half payment publisher & author both bears the expenses (production, marketing etc) related to book & shares the profit equally.

silly question...Hw to make manuscript ? how to approach publishers ? where to get publishers lists ? ... i am ameture  

The Sorcerer
The Sorcerer
from Mumbai
9 years ago

Oh I have a couple of questions. Its interesting to know because we had similar posts here.There was a case where a publisher is asking an amount from the writer for publishing books. Is that a standard these days or is it something fishy that people should avoid such offers? Once I probed someone like that, asking a question about division of profit. The person said the profit will not be distributed. Funny part was that the blog that he/she used to register with had a company name in WHOIS profile of the domain, and that connected to some book place in Delhi which had three more business name with the same physical address.  Second is: How much of their content they need to show to the publisher to get them interested? I read a case where a young and inexperienced writer showed it to someone working in a publishing company but got rejected. Few years later, she found out that the person who rejected her book joined some other company with a more senior role, and she wrote a book which is awfully similar to the draft the once young and inexperienced writer had. I am not sure who it is, but I am sure its posted here in Indiblogger, both of them. 

from PATNA
8 years ago

pl share your email id

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