Blogging about books, movies, TV shows, gaming - fandoms in particular.

from Nagpur
8 years ago

Hey. I blog at [[no SSP. Please follow the rules just like everybody else]] and as stated in the title, the blog is about fandoms in particular. Much as I would like to be in every fandom out there, I cannot be. And being an engineering student, I find very less time for shows and books. But this blog. This blog where I open up what I feel about the fandoms I am in. I cannot really let go of it.

I, therefore, look to this forum for advice - for creating backlinks and for content. I can manage writing, aye, but I am in limted fandoms, you see. I am accepting guest posts - reviews are always welcome -  but they should cover fandoms; and when I say fandoms the books/shows in the posts in question should have a following. And thus, such guest posts are rarely available. Speaking of backlinks, I usually create one or two on Quora or on Reddit (usually one of my posts goes viral on Reddit and I get about 5k to 7k pageviews when fortune favours) which I frequent mostly and sometimes share my content on Facebook. I am having a steady income of organic traffic, thanks to Google.

So, my dear fellow bloggers, what would you have me do? Hiring freelancers isn't really what I am looking foeward to at the moment.

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