Blog inactive in Indiblogger after URL change
My blog is active in Indiblogger for the last five years. I recently changed the URL for my blog. Since then, it appears in active in Indiblogger. I had requested for approval. But approval is still pending. Reason stated is awaiting more blog posts.
I am posting regularly after the URL change. Can my blog please be approved, and made active in Indiblogger again?
My blog link is:
Previous link to my blog, before the URL change is:
You can contact the IndiBlogger Support team from here, and raise a support ticket. They would take care of the rest.
As for the reason they have given you - Awaiting more blogposts, IndiBlogger policy says that you must have atleast 10 blogposts in your blog to be approved in indiblogger. In case you have more blogposts, do contact the team and ask them to look into the matter.