UCNews Stealing My Data
So I was completely unaware of this entity "UCNews" One day I was browsing and found my website copied on UCNews. I mean I never ever applied for it or anything. I had no clue about these people. I was scared to see my site copied including my photos and photos of my friends and family. Of late, indiblogger is talking about this malacious content stealing website. I really really want someone to help me. Is there a way I can report this to cyber crime? How dare they copy my content from my website without my permission?
Can anyone from the Indiblogger community help me? PS. Type "MBF UCNews" in google search and you will see for yourself all my website content on their website.
Just one good thing out of this : they have clearly mentioned the source and linked it back to ur website
So you're saying this is good for me somehow? I mean my entire posts are copied including the photos.
It's Indeed a good platform to get organic traffic. Lately, they become quite active and also offering some paid content.
Usually, its just an excerpt and a single image. If the entire content is replicated then there's no point in having a source link simply because the reader read the entire content. Besides, their terms and conditions are shady enough for me to steer away.
Yes, many bloggers, particularly from the travel domain have expressed similar concerns. Lot of ambiguity in T & Cs.
Guys, the point is, I NEVER EVER applied or spoke to them. Its been an year since they are copying my content!! Can anyone help me?
If you've never even applied to them or signed up in anyway, and they're using any of your content, that's not right at all. We'll check with them on this front and get back to you!
If you've never even applied to them or signed up in anyway, and they're using any of your content, that's not right at all. We'll check with them on this front and get back to you!
If you've never even applied to them or signed up in anyway, and they're using any of your content, that's not right at all. We'll check with them on this front and get back to you!
Hello Astha, Same thing happened with my blog but i was getting a lot of traffic from ucnews so i ignored it but after some time they invite me for join UCNews officially and now i am getting traffic+Revenue both from Uc news , Do not worry its good for you if you want you can join UCNews and get revenue from your blog post without doing any extra effort.
Maybe they are testing your blog with there app and will contact you after this.
ridiculous. How can you say it is good for the OP? This is like saying, it's ok for the guy to rape you, ( against her will - you see?) he will give you much money later...
How much pageviews you guys are getting via UCNews?
there's already a thread for it..
@Karthik - that thread is not about the atrocious behavious of UCNews. This one is Different!
I joined 10 days back as per Indiblogger invitation but I am not getting any response from anyone. Their support is poor since there is no account manager assigned to me. Today, they didn't published any of my articles. All in pending state.
It seems bad that a third party is copying your content without your concern. You can always mail them to remove your blog from their News platform http://www.ucweb.com/business/#contact
Or i think you can officially join their UC news platform, which seems to be not a bad thing as you get a link back to the original article and paid for the views.
UC news is not just copying content ...they are also producing their own Seo for their post. All bloggers are working as a writer for them unknowingly. Only that traffic comes to your site which is intelligent. I had also joined them but later I quit. Now we are not working them because it will steal our own identity and if you talk to apply for that. Then there is nothing to apply. You just have to login once as a blogger in UC news and they will create your account.
So I would like to suggest all bloggers to boycott UC news to save your own existence.
I have emailed them multiple times. They are using my content for free without my knowledge. This is stealing! They are absolutely not ready to remove my content from their website which is atrocious!
i am sorry for you guys, but most bloggers wouldn't support you. they'll just be happy if they get some traffic even at the expense of their content being recycled and stolen. I've put a disclaimer on the other ucnews thread which basically shows after two layer of terms and conditions they have authority to use your content for free if you sign up. Alibaba is a rich company within a short span of time. its unlikely its done honestly.
I was contacted by UC News in january for joining. This was before Indiblogger - UC News tie-up.
I applied as I thought it is just an app which redirect traffic to my blog as they are going to use only RSS Feed. Now I find, not my blog but they are getting traffic due to my contents without any consideration.
Interestingly, they do not share post with words like china, paytm, or any reference related to china.
Astha, contact on this no.
Ankur Handa
Associate Director – Strategic Alliance
He is handling all the things for UC news. Contact him and ask to delist your blog from UC news app. he will surely reply you. His mail ID is ankur.handa@alibaba-inc.com We have already faced this situation . But now we are free.
If you are calling this person then I request you to please record the conversation.
Honestly, I don't feel this is something Indiblogger should be promoting. UCNews have hidden the fine print under another link within Terms and Conditions, which itself is obvious they didn't want people who glance through to find out about it. If a T&C has extended to two more links, they can simply change it whenever they want without letting existing users know about it. This is the troubling part:
We'll have an update on this by Tuesday!
UC News continues to steal my data. Anyone can help me? Ankur Handa isn't responding to my emails.
Astha, do you know any lawyers? I suppose you can take a legal action here. They shouldn't get away with this.
He keeps asking for my phone number. Should I report this to the police? I gave him my number. I am scared. Is he going to threaten me?
Why did you give him your number if you felt that way? >_<". Personally, I don't see anything wrong but there's nothing to add either. What's there to be said via phone that couldn't be said via email? Please install an auto call recorder on your, just as a precaution.