so indirank is out
lets share our ranks
81 for BBQ!
Even I joined in February n
You are super senior of me 😀
Yeah I am old!
My blog is at 85 for ages...I wonder if this is good or bad .. I mean being stuck at same rank for months ?
Decent !
Mine was stuck at 74 since August 2014. Before that it was 84.
Mine is 73 and previous one was 69
Came down from 77 to 72 last month. wanted to go above 75 ( which is IB's min criteria for lot of special camapigns, this is jus my guess based on UC news mail of 75 min rank)
so worked hard, built backlinks, wrote good quality posts and now back to 76 (huge sigh of relief)
Congratulations bro !
I am also eligible for uc news media with 73, I think 70 is min critera for special campaign
Lovely! :)
I reached 80 this month from 77. The April A-Z challenge must be the reason for the rise. But I am happy cz I was stuck at 77 since ages.
Congratulations !
A to Z challenge is trending now days 😉
Btw sounds good about your growth
I wish I could achieve 80 or more than 80
Yes, frequency of writing does matter. Congrats! :)
Why is my Indirank still at 50? That was last month. A lot happened after the time you assigned a rank to my blog last. Please look into this and oblige.
Same here. From 4 posts in March it has gone to 28 posts in April with the A to Z challenge. But indirank has remained the same at 76. I've raised a ticket.
Back to 81... I guess the rank goes down if frequency of posting on the blog suffers. The first two months of this years were my non-writing months.
I am not sure frequency of posting matters too much when it comes to IB rank (It matters but not too much)your moz score, alexa score, backlinks etc matters in IB Rank
Shh... it's a secret grandma recipe :)
Been a bit busy lately so checked my rank after three months today. Surprised that it was at 80 inspite of the first post this month going out last week and the last one in mid-April. Then I was even more surprised to see my rank at 85 last month.
Ned to get back into the blogging spirit.
Blogging spirit! I like that. :)
It is two years plus that I have been blogging. I have one domain which ends with .photos and it has not been indexed or ranked (whatever by MOZ ) yet. So no moz rank. So hanging on 60.
Mine too, Tenny!
Can somebody help me with Alexa rank and Moz rank?
Hi Jensy,
I do not have that much deep knowledge about Alexa rank and Moz rank but can share my limited understanding:
1. To improve your Alexa rank, install the Alexa toolbar for google chrome or mozila firefox and keep visiting your blog. You will notice that gradually in the next few days, your alexa rank will improve. You can see your alexa rank (India stats) and worldwide rank on the toolbar itself. And probably it also depends on the number of backlinks to your blog.
2. For improving your Moz Rank, you will have to get quality backlinks (that too do-follow backlinks) from other sites to your blog by commenting on other blogs (meaningful, genuine comments i.e.) or by doing guest posting on other blogs. There is a particular thread here, you can find it on Indi forum where you can ask if someone is interested in having a guest post on their blog.
By submitting your blog to social bookmarking sites too (like Digg, Reddit, Stumbleupon, Delicious etc), your website can gain quality backlinks and a decent amount of traffic as well.Additionally if you think that your Moz Rank isn't being reported correctly, you can follow this step, Srikanth Ramakrishnan had long back shared this tip here on Indiblogger:
enter your blog url;
once it loads, click on the Just Discovered link on the left.
If you don't see anything; do the following:
Head to
Create a of a few posts and share the link.
Alternatively, head to and share the link and try and get atleast one click for each link.
Go back to the Moz Open Site Explorer after 6 hours and check the Just Discovered Tab.
Wait for the next month's Moz update.
Is the May Indi Rank out yet?
Not yet. But why is my IndiRank stuck to Mar'17?
Stuck at 80, but not updated since Mar'17.
Its not March 17.. only the below numbers are not updated. But the rank was updated in May second week..So ur 80 is as of May only.
Btw there was a big Moz update .. Saw my DA increase to 16 :) What's your DA?
June Indirank is not out. is it? I have been waiting, because I worked quite hard last month....
Hey IB, when will june indirank be out. month is almost getting to a close