Content writing

I would like to take up content writing in addition to my blogs.

Can anyone help me with ideas and contacts?

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Words Kraft
Words Kraft
from Kolkata
6 years ago

To get started, you should try getting yourself registered with major freelancing platforms such as UpWork, PeoplePerHour, Guru, Freelancers, etc. These platforms offer a plethora of writing assignments mostly from the US, UK and APAC clients. Needless to mention, the competition is stiff and newbies find it very hard to get a foothold. But these platforms offer great payment security, milestone features, ratings, feedbacks, etc. Easier alternatives would be certain FB groups that feature desi clients/agencies offering writing assignments. However, the payment rates are usually miserable and payment security is absolutely missing. So clients can literally vanish without paying you. 


Thanks, Roy and Anuradha. What are the prominent Indian platforms?

Arvind Passey
Arvind Passey
from Delhi
5 years ago

The easiest way to discover sources where content writing is taught is to type <content writiing> in any browser. I did just that and was face to face with a mind-boggling number of options.

This said, the best way still is to write every day... and, if only one segment interests you, to learn to focus your thoughts on it. Build your research data because that helps when you are writing posts.

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