Campaign againt caste based census
I am not sure how many of us here in Indiblogger are 'against' caste based census. I thought those who are against could have a campaign againt it and have banners and blog posts against caste based census. What do you say guys?
In my understanding caste base sensus is not for reservation-or providing assistance to level up the socially discriminated caste- because it is already there.
But the problem is in implementation. The goverenmnt has caste quotas but it does not have any knowledge about caste population.
Ideally there should not be any reservation. But what happend to the discriminated people was not ideal. That is the problem.
I'm not against cast based census because it's just collection of data.The more detail the data collection will be the more benefit we will get.The real question is how it is going to be used? If political parties will use it for vote bank politics then that will be nasty.And I have full faith on Indian politicians.I know they will misuse it.