Great Blog Hospitality @ Kolkata

Kushal Sinha
Kushal Sinha
from Kolkata
13 years ago

It was an amazing evening @ CII. Team IndiBlogger deserves a standing ovation for organising this meet for a very noble cause. The way Rene Sir, Anwin, Vineet went around and interacted with the bloggers showed their dedication towards the forum. A special mention- I even saw Rene Sir arranging the chairs properly, while we were busy dancing to the electrifying performance of the band towards the end of the meet.

I made a personal request to Rene Sir & Vineet to build a office in Kolkata. Hey my fellow bloggers we desperately need a base in this colurful & vibrant city-Don't We?

Edited 13 years ago
Reason: Relevant Topic Name
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