Going to leave Indiblogger soon if this continues
I run the blog www.ideasmakemarket.com - despite repeated requests there has been no action taken on behalf of the team regarding indirank. I had even mailed my feed link, posted in the forum twice before- but nothing seems to happen. Guess Indiblogger is very big now.
arrey don't be so impatient! there will be an indirank update on 10th. Why worry?
You will soon get an Indirank update, i am sure, do not worry about it!
While you are awaiting the rank, why don't you check out the other features like Indivine, Inditalk, etc here. They are interesting as well! After all, Indiblogger is not only about the Indirank, there is so much more to do here
And Yes, Indiblogger is big...One big family... So Please change your mind of leaving it... Ok
I some what agree, Indi Team them self are now really really rare in Forum Activities.. I remember couple of years back when they launched the service, all of them were active participant, but now, they are busy with I dont know what..
Its been 3 months now and the problem is not resolved !! but atleast some people have taken notice
@Arti, when I look at the indirank - and see someone's business blog rated at 80 with far less quality and myself yet to get a rank - u get the feel something isn't going right.
Leaving is the last option but am definitely considering it
@arti, It certainly is important because when a person searches a blog by tags, the blogs in indiblogger.in are in descending order of their ranks- so for a blog that gets no rank and is regularly updated it wont get considerable hits- so indirank does make a difference.
Indirank is certainly not a thing to die for but it is something that a blog which regularly posts articles( atleast 3-4 in a week), does not show ads, has 20+ contributors- does deserve. There are also other platforms which offer similar ratings.
So i would humbly request that rather than trying to justify the absense of indirank ( even when I had mailed the link of RSS feed to the concerned mail id that u had given in a forum before, and there have been no acknowledgement of it), indiblogger team should look at resolving the issue. Rest is upto the inditeam
Abhirup, sorry for not seeing this thread before!
There's a problem with your template... Are you on wordpress or blogspot? Please see if these posts may help:
[Techiez.net link removed - Gouri, sorry for the late response. Will try and make it up to you by including this link on our FAQs and the new IndiRank pages.]
Renie, guys please dont be too busy to have a look at the problems here. At least one of you can be active here and get these issues resolved. Certainly this is a red flag from one of the members.
Message received!
Hi Renie & Arti,
Apologies for creating this topic- but just did it to catch attention !! Had no intention of leaving indiblogger. I attended the recent indi meet in kolkata and u guys rock !!
Thanks a lot both of u :)
@Renie- I am on blogger and created this template myself. I have added the blogger code to it with my feedburner url. hope it works...
and thanks once again....
well though this was a false alarm, but this can really happen. So we are not taking any changes..
Here's the original piece for wordpress:
so does it work? your issues resolved?
i write for fun and just so i can feel good...wud love an indirank but thats optional...aint gonna press guys for that...but still gr8 goin ppl ;) ;)
nice idea abhirup :P
@hemal, i have added the RSS code as Renie has instructed- hope it works
Just checked the dashboard its showing problem detecting feed...but i guess Indi team is working on it... so it shud get resolved
and seriously..is the rank THAT important??
did u start writing so u cud get a rank???
i started writtin coz i felt like...i wanted ppl to read and let me kno how i did...i came here so i can interact.agreed indirank boosts traffic on ur blog.
but seriously give it a thot..u write coz of a rank??
of course not! who cares? although a good rank does add .. somewhat.. a .. kinda "status" to your blog, you know.
precisely my point..rank adds status but that IN NO WAY implies other blogs are inferior in any way.
:) :) cheers to blogging :)
ya thats there...AGREE! :)
Hello dear, please keep blogging, don t worry about rank, my ranking too is absolutely low, does that make my blog inferior no way.........build your foundation and build an empire good luck
@all... this has generated tremendous interest...:)
a BIG shout from my side too
@madhav, rank is not that important... but it does generate traffic... as wen u surf a category the blogs are arranged in descending plus as arti pointed out it does generate credibility.
it does and i agree to u..
what i said was dont stop writtinf even if u dont get suitable rank
@madhav, I wont... I never said i will stop blogging after running such a successful blog in just 4 months time... i just talked about leaving indiblogger.(thats a bluff !!)
cheers to blogging :)
Chhers !!
@arti, one suggestion- is it possible to also list the new entries on indivine along with top posts on the home page.
@Abhirup If you ask me, I really dont think thats feasible coz then the entire point of having posts on the homepage, which is simply to showcase the few chosen ones that got popular through the week in a certain period of time, will be rendered meaningless then. I mean whats the point, there are new posts coming in every minute in indivine?
@arti, no issues. It was just a suggestion
Just my opinion Abhirup Rest is up to the inditeam, who knows they might actually like it and just take it up
Oh you DO deserve a 100 since every word in your blog made me rofl and get up, read the next word and rofl again for the entire evening.
tys it's cool. if my suggesions abt indivine are not considered,,,,,,,,,, don't know wht i wil do, but not hunger strike...may be forum strike. as m less active here slowly......slowly.....this is called out of love process from indi. may be............
Vote for tys !!
Ya! Arti! don't know y, but it is happening.
@abhirup ...hows the thot process goin now??
@madhav could not understand u
i meant the leavin indiblogger thing..hows that thot comin along now?
It was a fluke bro- still waiting fr the rank though !!
lol...hehehhehehe.ya every1 is waiting