blog re-released

Ankit Vaibhav
Ankit Vaibhav
from Allahabad
13 years ago

hii all...ive noticed that if you are not able to regularly visit this site...we do miss out on some good blogs...hence i would like to have an option of  re-releasing your posts...wat say bloggers....

Replies 1 to 2 of 2 Descending
from mumbai
13 years ago

It sounds like a nice idea, can you please explain it further?                                                     With "re-releasing'' are you suggesting submitting the posts in Indivine , if yes, dont you think everybody will start spamming , in order to get more views?

from Mumbai
13 years ago

If its indivine that you are talking about then Yes, many good posts do get burried under the rubble sometimes! And you sometimes feel like putting it up all over again! As for spamming @abhi, we can have a specified time cap to avoid that..? But then again, I dont know how many people will be interested in reading the old stuff?

Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Old posts can be visited on IndiVine still, and you just need some paitence and good fingers... Innocent

from Mumbai
13 years ago

By old posts I am meaning the one's that were posted a couple of months back. Yes they are visible, I agree but I wonder who's got such good fingers and patience... Such kind of visibility, I feel, is equivalent to them not being visible at all..Innocent

from Mumbai
13 years ago

Also, I feel there should be a way by which a person should be able to 'view all posts' submitted by a particular blogger on indivine if he wishes to, even the low voted ones.

In the profile page, the section of top posts by xyz on Indivine should have a button - ' see all posts by xyz on indivine'.

Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
13 years ago

now thats a feature addition that is long over due.

I think yes, we should be having it some time soon. Renie already has said that they are coming up with a Search functionality for the IndiVine. It should solve some, if not all, of your problem regarding digging up old post.

from Mumbai
13 years ago

Yeah! That would be really good, hope it comes out soon!

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