Followers/Email subscribers How many do you have?

from Mumbai
13 years ago

I was checking my Google feedburner subscribers today and found out that I have 52 subscribers (Cool) But the problem is that only 32 of them have verified their subscriptions while the rest have forgotten to complete of the final step thus do not receive the email notificationsFrown

Does Feedburner provide any way by which I can send them a reminder mail to verify their pending subscriptions and start receiving updates of my blog posts?

Also I would like to know, just out of curiosity, how many total active subscribers/ followers do you have for your blog  Smile 

Edited 13 years ago
Reason: Got Help, only answer the curiosity question now :)
Replies 41 to 60 of 63 Descending
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Did a check once again..

From 32, the  number has gone up to 69, yay.. My Yatra Diary... has 69 active subscribers now!

@All others, pls check out yours too and do let us know here :)

from Mumbai
12 years ago
Thats good increase Arti:) May you touch 100 soon:)
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Thanks for the wishes, DS :)

from Weston
12 years ago

This is exciting thread. I have 1268 subscribers. Are you guys checking in webmaster tool or feedburner stat? Keep in mind they would give separate figures.

from Mumbai
12 years ago
1268! AWESOME:)
from Mumbai
12 years ago

@SBasu I am checking in feedburner. Never checked abt this in webmaster.. Which is more reliable and which one of the two shud be used?

Anyways, 1268 is AWESOME!!! Congrats!

from Allahabad
12 years ago

I used to have 2000 Email subscriber on my blog... and now when I have switched to self hosted i have around 30.

img, #cubbies-overlay{ -moz-transition-property: margin, box-shadow, z-index; -moz-transition-duration: 0.1s; -webkit-transition-property: margin, box-shadow, z-index; -webkit-transition-duration: 0.1s; } .cubbies-selected{ z-index: 9999; box-shadow: 3px 3px 8px -1px blue !important; cursor: pointer !important; margin: -3px 3px 3px -3px; } .cubbies-selected:active{ box-shadow: 2px 2px 5px -1px darkblue !important; margin: -1px 1px 1px -1px; } #cubbies-overlay{ position: fixed; z-index: 9999; bottom: 30px; left: 30px; box-shadow: 0 2px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.8); border: none; } #cubbies-overlay:hover{ box-shadow: 0 2px 3px rgb(0,0,0); }
from Mumbai
12 years ago

@Abhishek: Does one lose all the subscribers when one switches domain? Isnt there a way so that the all old feed subscribers can be retained even after a domain change?

2000 is huge! It must really hurt to lose that many a readers.. But I am sure, its just a matter of time before you gain them all back again.. :)

from Mumbai
12 years ago

You can retain your subscribers

from Mumbai
12 years ago
Oh, I had also thought so.. Thanks for the info Animesh.. :-)
from Allahabad
12 years ago

@Arti Animesh SBasu David Purnendu

My previous blog was on and then I moved to self hoste I downloaded all the subscribber details (actually just 2000+ emails) in a CSV file. Now I do not know how do i get them back on my new blog as Feedburner does not allow you to import subscribers.

I really regret losing (almost) 2K+ subscribers. It was a main reason why I delayed in switching to a self hosted domain. Moreover a significant amount of teh subscriber were regular readers who often commented on my post and provided me feedback.

Any suggestions for how could I get them back??

from Weston
12 years ago

@Arti feedburner oscillates much compared to WMT. Always go by WMT for email subscribers.

For e-readers unfortunately we have to reply on Feedburner stat, take weekly average as the number as opposed to a number ona  specific day

from Mumbai
12 years ago
Thanks Sbasu.. Appreciate the info. Will keep the point in mind. Many Thanks for sharing it here.
from Pune
12 years ago

Google Friend connect is finally working on WP again! Sigh .. Lost all my old followers when I migrated from Blogger 1 month back. And Friend Connect Started working just one week back. So far so good. 

from Mumbai
12 years ago

That is sad... Dont worry, all your followers will surely come with time, all the best! :)

TF Carthick
TF Carthick
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Feedback burner stats says I have 200 subscribers but only 4 e-mail subscribers.

from Mumbai
12 years ago

@The Fool Great stats! Esp the subscribers!

How are you checking the subscribers and email subscribers seperately in feedburner? Am confused and not getting the difference?

TF Carthick
from Bangalore
12 years ago

@Arti - There is some details tab in the fee bruner that shows the e-mail suscribers.

from Mumbai
12 years ago
Thanks @The Fool. Somehow never noticed it. Shall check it out.
from Bengaluru
12 years ago

I have 17 subscribers, total :P one or two active.

from Mumbai
12 years ago

@Leo Never mind.. When did you put that widget on your blog? Waise bhi, your poems are best enjoyed on your wonderful blog rather than in anybody's inbox.. ;) I think people prefer it that way more :)

from Bengaluru
12 years ago

What does it matter when I put it? ;) :P I got 2 active subscribers.. thats the point ;)

from Mumbai
12 years ago
Yup, everyting starts with a zero.. ;-) And you toh already have 2 in the bag.. Good going, Wish you a speedy increase :-)
from Mumbai
12 years ago
But you have over 350 followers Leo, dont you?
Dhiraj Shenoy
Dhiraj Shenoy
from Bangalore
12 years ago

i have 83 subscribers .

from Mumbai
12 years ago

Amazing! In fact, You deserve so many more! I wish the numbers keep on increasing for you :)

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

My followers are increasing day by day, i am not sure of the subscribers :) 

umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

From 29 to 44 followers, it is a gr8 achievement i suppose from the time this thread has begun, regarding subscribers i don t have any idea how to check it out.

from Mumbai
12 years ago

@Umeshji Yes, glad to see the steep rise in the follower count.. indeed its a gr8 achievement.. Congrats :)

For Subscribers, pls check it out by logging in, into your feedburner account or Webmaster tools Umeshji and do update here.

from Raleigh
12 years ago

got some 419 followers and 500+ email subscribers when i saw it last time :D is not active these days i guess it will reduce in time

from Mumbai
12 years ago

Woohoo! Those are awesome numbers to have! Go on.. Activate your blog, there are so many out there waiting for it!! Smile

from Mumbai
12 years ago
Those are huge numbers!! Kudos:)
umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Arti i have Zero subscribers, i don t wanna to subscribe to this which is linked to adsense account i suppose, it slows down the loading of the site considerably.  I am extremely happy with fast loading of my blogspot Smile

from Mumbai
12 years ago
I dont think subscribers is linked to adsense!!! People can subscribe by email, they just get notification that you have posted a new post on your blog. You can adjust the settings so that the subscribers get only a part of the post and not the entire post...
from Mumbai
12 years ago
Yes, Umeshji.. Ds is right. It is just a widget and quite useful one too, in no way related to adsense. Just try it out, many people like to stay updated that way and it doesnt take too much of loading time.
from Mumbai
12 years ago
It takes no loading time...
from Kolkata
12 years ago

73 here. I know it's difficult to understand for non techie people, thus i have created this tutorial - hope this will help, feel free to share this with your unverified subscribers to help them out. Smile

Santosh BS
Santosh BS
from Bangalore
12 years ago

seeing the nos here... feels crazy Wink

65 subscribers and 54 followers....

Well, a lot of people just come and go

A lot of them subscribe and forget to validate

A lot of them do not have time to do that extra work (they keep visiting remembering the url)

Its a funny world out there Laughing

from Mumbai
12 years ago

My Followers has increaded to 14!!!!

Not a big number but good start!!

from hyderabad
12 years ago

Congrats DS Smile

from Mumbai
12 years ago
from Mumbai
12 years ago
19 now:):)
from Mumbai
12 years ago
21!! Its hard work getting these followers!!
Ankit Chugh
Ankit Chugh
from New Delhi
12 years ago

I am also wondering y i have a huge difference b/w verified and un-verified feed subscribers. I have in total 2240 subscribers in which nearly 1718 subscribers are verified. I am also thinking of emailing them to verify their subscription. Let's see what will be the outcome.

from Mumbai
12 years ago
How will you mail so many of them manually? But a very high number. Congos:)

its doesn't matter :)214 followers and 227 reader :) as of march 2012 :P 

from Mumbai
11 years ago

Amazing! Must have definitely increased by now :)

Subhorup Dasgupta
Subhorup Dasgupta
from Hyderabad
11 years ago

pulling this thread up. feedburner seems to have added many new features and changed a few things. i have 125 verified on feedburner and nearly 100 on friendconnect.

from the discussion here, i guess that 125 does not include the 100 on GFC.

however, if i look at the feedburner breakup, it lets me see the number of browser based rss feeds, the number of email subscriptions, and the number of feedfetcher subscriptions. my guess is that the friendconnect subscription - which has now been integrated with google reader items - is included in feedfetcher stats in feedburner. my GFC number tallies exactly with the feedfetcher number.

would be great to hear back conclusively from those in the know.

from Mumbai
11 years ago
125 on feedburner is a good number I guess. As far as your query is concerned, I dunno anything so the more experienced guys here will answer that.
from Mumbai
11 years ago

Will need to check more on that, let me see if I can extract something meaningful from my side. Innocent

Anyways, your reader stats are wonderful and your blog is rocking! Excellent numbers there! Good luck! Smile

Abhsihek Boinapalli
Abhsihek Boinapalli
from Hyderabad
11 years ago




225 followers and 210 feed subscribers ...Cool

from Mumbai
11 years ago

Superb! Cool

Vineet Digga
Vineet Digga
from Kolkata
11 years ago

2 Subscribers on Email. 5 on Google connect. Someone wants tips on how to save your blog from your college friends? :D

from Mumbai
11 years ago

Those are good numbers to begin with, Vineet! Keep Going! Smile

And dont think I need any tips, I am already happy anonymous Laughing

TF Carthick
TF Carthick
from Bangalore
11 years ago

My feedburner shows 329 subscribers, e-mail subscribers as 15 and another 4 e-mail subscribers not verified.

My google friend connect number is 242 and FB networked blogs is 55. Don't know if there is any link there.

from Mumbai
11 years ago

Great going, TF! And you only deserve so much more.. Keep at it! Smile

Dont know if there is any relation between Google friend connect and FB netwrked blogs though my feeling is that there is not, still cant say anything for surety because I myself dont use the latter.

TF Carthick
from Bangalore
11 years ago

Thanks, Arti.

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