Your favourite Topics?
We all like reading;we all love writing...
So people what do you love to blog about? Which are your favourite topics? it technological updates or personal life?... Picture essays or literary stuff? Politics and Social Issues or writing reviews... whatever you love writing about(or would want to write about) share with all of us...
Also mention the kind of blogs you love reading... What kind of blog topics interest you?
My favourite topics are Travel, Reviews of product and service, and personal musings, good topic to understand the minds of bloggers
For me Spiritual, poetry, political, social, awareness, patriotism.......( and some more like photography and recepie - but I do not blog on that. but wanna do so....)
Since when have you been travelling? :O
I admire the fact that you are quite focused in ways.
I like being random, I like being defined in that way.
About blogging i mostly right my personal opinions on random topics...sometimes i try my hand at poetry too..
when it comes to reading i read anythin and everything...just that it should be presented in an interesting way...and i like going through photography blogs...they are beautiful!! and like reading through poems...
some blogs i love them simply for the way they have designed it so well....just for the good pictures and colours they have in them too..some of them are so refreshing...
Everything that others missed and my favorites.. whatever interests me, i blog about that.
I am a tech blogger so I stick to these topics only but I do love reading humour, travel and creative blogs.
I like to blog about ----------------------
I simply wish to make the reader think if he has learnt anything or atleast read anything. A light hearted talk is what i wish to engage myself in.