Blog spliting problem

from goa
12 years ago

I know the title is weird but i could not think of anything other so here is the problem.

I want to use google adsense because their payments are insane. So the problem is i write a blog on hacking. and i know adsense will ban me for that. My blog url is hacking-for-beginners. Frankly there are very little hardcore hacking articles on it like maybe 15-16 out of 135, others are general technology related. So here the two options i was thinking of

1) Change the blog URL and delete all the hardcore hacking articles.

2) Start a new blog pure technology related and shift all the post exept the hacking ones to it.

What would you suggest would be the better option? I am very confused and afraid because my blog just got a google page rank of 4 and has started getting good traffic i dont want to loose it all. offcourse i am ready to take the little shocks but i dont want to ruin the 1yr work on the blog. Please any suggestions would be highly appreciated.

Replies 1 to 2 of 2 Descending
umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

I believe you should not propagate hacking, it is better you should advice people how to protect themselves against being hacked.  It would obviously send a wrong message to your followers that your advice on hacking is unethical.

Aditya Kumar Nayak
Aditya Kumar Nayak
from New Delhi
12 years ago

I would say, that you should remove the hacking posts. And change the url but even then chances are that google will penalise you.A second and a recommended option would be to start a new blog, redirect the top performing pages to the new blog. That should fetch you the initial traffic.

Look at it this way, what if your blog gets more popular and then you have to face the trouble of a banned adsense account or a blacklisted domain. What would you do?

Anyways, I am looking at starting a blog on technology and blogging. Currently looking for partners coz I dont have enough time to manage it all by my own. Ping me if you are interested.

from goa
12 years ago

Thanks for the advice

I splitted the blog all the non-hacking articles i moved to a new blog. ya i too thought that better late then never i should have done it earlier, i have to go through all SEO again but it is ok atleast i will have a chance to get accepted to adsense. I only regret the loss of a pagerank of 4. But its ok.

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