An opportunity for every Indian blogger to get published!
On August 15 2012, on our independence day and IndiBlogger’s 5th anniversary, comes an opportunity for every Indian blogger to get published! in association with HarperCollins will give you insight and a whole new perspective of the world of publishing. Submit your own stories, learn from the authors, talk to the editors, join a social community of book lovers and see your work in print.
Do help us spread the word, and get Yash Lal's book to start your first review:
Keep blogging!
Congrats Indi Team!!! You guys deserve a big applause!!!!
Do you know what IndiBlogger Team has done to every blogger???
What a mother will do to a kid.. That's what you has done to us..
Thanks for all that IndiBlogger Team have done to me and my blog.. Happy!!!
Happy 5th Anniversary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wish you many more colourful years ahead..!!!
Someone is Special
i concur with you
Happy fifth anniversary to IndiBlogger and happy Independence Day!!! What an amazing thing to do and what a great time too! I love IndiBlogegr for everything it does for India: bringing us together, the wonderful widgets, forums and now this. Kudos guys and keep it up!
Keep writing, stay inspired!
This is real stuff, finally. Great stuff! Thanks a lot, Renie. This is something that is going to really excite bloggers.
yo dude.
I second Lucifer is very writers dream and Indiblogger has given us an open opportunity .Waiting for August 15
OMG! this woke me up right and proper in the morning!!! I agree with TF! this is GREAT stuff!!! Thank you Renie, thankyou Indiblogger and a very happy 5th birthday :D :)
I am awed, simply astounding gift for bloggers. I am at a loss of words to express the feelings. really superb. i always had inner desire to grt published. now i think i may get the path to tread my dream work.
sincere applause to the full team. three cheers:
I applied for the book by mistake. Is there any way to withdraw? That is not my genre and it will be difficult for me.
Hey The Fool, same here. I too have applied by mistake. No confirmation it asked for. It seems there is not option of cancelling it.
Wow. We both always do the same thing.
lol. You both should be given a Nobel Award for this
yo, fool, comon, i nebher reviewed a book, but if you are seerius go get published yourself. reviewing has to be started. go fool go.
i am sure, with ardent admirer like p p, nobel isn't far away.
Do not worry, I love this genre...You can share the book with me for review :)
@PL - I do review books. But if I am going through a tough week, I find it difficult to read books that are not of my favorite genre especially if I am given one week deadline to post review.
Oops.. Me too applied by mistake! And its not my genre too!!!
Hats off to Indiblogger!
This is a step in right direction.
Congtatulations to Indiblogger for fostering a community of bloggers and publishers.
Seeing you in Indi after a long long time.
No wonder indiblogger has the greatest 'wow!' factor intrinsically attached to it... I'm sure Harper Collins is going to be inundated with enthusiastic and expectant bloggers looking towards the 'Hey! I'm published!' tag now. And Harper Collins, on their part, is soon going to realise that bloggers are the ones who make up the largest chunk of excellent writers who just need a gentle nudge towards making their writings publication-worthy.
Thank you indiblogger! :)
that ifs an awesome chance for we bloggers...
Thanks Indiblogger and congratulations for your 5th anniversary!!
Happy 5th Anniversary Indiblogger team !! Thanks for everthing You have done.. I am Happy to be a part of your family.. Good Luck ..
Yeah. Forgot to wish Indiblogger on its 5 th anniversary. Seems like I have been with them for most of the journey. Though not very active initially, I have been here for close to 4 years now.
Congratulations Renie and indi group.
This is superb but I am still not clear on what we are supposed to do? What? When? Where? to write and submit?
Thanks for IndiBlogger support for everything.....A very happy 5 anniversary to IndiBlogger...
Awesome. I can't be more thankful for Indiblogger
. It has done so much to all the bloggers! How can we ever Thank You?
Hats off Renie! And thanks a lot for giving us opportunities after opportunities.
happy 5th anniversary :)a great chance for the bloggers :)
Contests, great writers, awesome mentors, IB is the place to be. :D :DJoined back just two months ago, and IndiBlogger has helped me a lot. So CHEERS TO THE INDITEAM and all those who are a part of this wonderful world of bloggers and especially INDIBLOGGER. Congrats IB. And Happy wala birthday toh banta hi hai
Happy anniversary IB,you have done a splendid job by providing this platform to us all;where we can meet & read excellent posts!